Chapitre Un

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"You tried to take my child!" The woman standing across from you screamed hysterically while pointing her finger at you in anger. "My child was gone for months because of you! Do you know the pain of not being by your child?"

Whispers filled the room as people talked between each other as they started pitying the accuser. Glares of hate were directed towards the defender as they sat in the seat, eyes devoid of emotion staring at the floor.

"This was all your fault!" The lady continued to shriek. "You were the one who took my child away from me. If you hadn't taken away my child we would have been happy. This is all because of you!"

You continued to stare at the floor. You knew full well that you wouldn't be able to escape the judgment because the fact that you had taken the child was true. However, you didn't do it without reason, and even if you said it, you knew that no one would believe you. After all, who would believe a complete stranger over the mother of the child?

"How dare you not say anything!" The woman shrieked even louder.

"Enough," a voice echoed throughout the opera house as a cane banged on the floor. "Let us take a 5-minute intermission to cool your heads and pull yourselves together."

The whispers died down as silence entered the opera house. The people sitting before you watched you with judgmental eyes that couldn't wait to see your punishment. Gulping from the stares at you, you lowered your head further, fear washing its way through your heart.

"Wait!" a small voice that you immediately recognized shouted.

Eyes widened, you tried to reach out to stop the little girl from getting closer to the opera stage. If she were to involve herself in it then the eyes would all be on her. The eyes that would judge and eat you up the moment you made a small mistake.

"Big sis didn't do anything bad. She helped me. Mister, are you going to take big sister away from me?" The little girl asked, her voice shaking from her sudden proclamation.

"Yea don't take big sis from us!" Another kid ran into the room.

Soon enough the Opera Epiclese was overtaken by people of various ages running in shouting that they didn't want their big sis to be taken away.

"Silence." Neuvillette once again slammed his cane onto the floor where he stood. "What is the meaning of this. These are all the missing children."

Neuvillette stared at you as if waiting for your answer to his statement about the missing children.

"Big sis!" one of the kids shouted as they looked up at your defendant's seat.

"It's alright. Go outside Kiana. I'll come back soon and we'll go eat some curry ok."


Shaking your head, you smiled at her, "No buts. Everything will be alright."

"Please lead the children outside of the Opera Epiclese," Neuvillette motioned to one of the Melusines who stood awaiting instructions. Nodding her head the Melusine guided the children outside of the Opera house with a smile while talking to them.

"Now if you will could you please explain the issue at hand," Neuvillette stared at you with a piercing gaze that would not let you avoid answering.

"Those children," you started. "Ran away from their homes because of abuse and mistreatment. I took them in as hopes of helping them heal and to protect them from returning to the people that put them in positions where they had to forsake their childhood and run away because of the horrible environment that they were living in."

"How dare you say that I abused my child!" the woman in the accuser's seat shouted and interrupted you before you could say anymore.

"Miss," Neuvillette calmly interceded. "Although you are the accuser must I remind you that you are still in court and must act in proper court procedure."

The lady quieted down and sat back in her seat, gulping down the fear after Neuvillette's interceding.

"If you say that you didn't abuse your child, can you explain the scars on Bernadette's arms," you glared at the woman.

The people in the court started whispering to one another wondering if what was happening in front of them was true or not. Were the children a ruse and faked it under your order after a kidnapping or was what you were saying true? The whispers grew loud enough for even you to hear and the glares turned from you to the woman who sat in the accuser's seat.

"Because of the current situation, we will come back to the situation in two days time. The Marechaussee Phantom will see to it that the truth will come to light. The accuser and defendant will be monitored by one of the Marechaussee Phantom's and we will continue this court once all evidence has been collected."

The people sat up from their seats and started talking to one another in question of what was happening and what the final verdict would be. All the while you slumped into your seat wondering just how things got all the more complicated.


Hello my dears. First chapter is up I hope you enjoy. I hope you take care of yourselves and have a wonderful day!

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