5. Chill The Fuck Out

Start from the beginning

"You and I, we about to have a lil talk, bitch," he harshly whispers into my ear as we continue to walk through the hallway.

"Let the fuck go of me, where the hell are we going?!" I exclaim indignantly, attempting to dig my heels into the ground. I don't want to be anywhere near this man, to be honest. And for the first time since meeting him, he does scare me a little bit right now, the angry scowl on his face truly menacing.

"Em!! I'm not going anywhere with..." I try to protest again after my first attempt was being simply ignored by him.

"Shut the fuck up," he scowls again and his grip on my arm tightening.

He's going to leave a fucking mark!!

Eventually, we arrive to what appears to be our destination.

An empty cafeteria room at the end of the hallway where there wending machines and water coolers in the corners.

Entering the room and quickly looking around it and making sure that there isn't anybody there but us, Em pretty much throws the door closed shut and unceremoniously slams my body against it in the same motion, pretty much knocking the breath out of me. And before I could even recover, his hand then grabs for me, fingers locking around my throat just like he'd done that day, and a small part of me starts to panic, because I've learned by this point that the crazy ass white boy really is capable of anything.

Those cold blue eyes burn right into mine as he brings his face near mine, stepping way too close for comfort.

"Now, you listen to me, bitch," his voice surprisingly enough coming out calm, in start contrast to the damn near crazed expression on Em's handsome face. "I ain't give a fuck how much you feel I had disrespected you before, you dumb slut. And I ain't give a fuck how ya lil feelings apparently got hurt by that diss track. Do NOT. NEVER IN YA GODDAMN LIFE come at me and stop popping your whore mouth at me while my daughter is present in the room. Cause next time you do that shit, trust. You ain't gonna like what imma do to you next, got it?" He practically snarles the last part at me, the false calmness leaving his voice then.

He abruptly lets go of my throat, the back of my head involuntarily banging against the door again.

I feel myself rapidly inhale, feeling my lungs with air again as he continues to hover over me.

"Imma need you to say it to me, girl. I need you to fucking tell me that you understand," Em says angrily, and I finally manage to force myself to look up and into his face that still has that same ass evil expression on it.

"Fuck you!!" I choke out. "I should go back to that studio right now and blow your whole spot up. Tell that little girl exactly the kind of disrespectful abusive ass piece of shit she has for a da..."

My words are cut off when he grabs at my jaw this time, squishing my cheeks in his hand and making it hard for me to talk. I try to stare back at him as angrily as I could though, to match his intensity.

Because even though the boy scares me half to death right now, I've never been one to back down from anybody. My momma taught me better than that. Plus, I can be a stubborn ass bitch.

I was only bluffing just now though, I would've never actually went back there and talk shit to his daughter about him. I just wanted to get under his skin, get a rise out of him.

And boy, did it work...

Hearing him laugh a sort of short angry laugh, I attempt to push him off of me, but he only squeezes my face tighter.

I watch him slowly nod to himself, locking his lower lip, dragging his tongue against it like he usually does.

"Try that shit, bitch, and I'll ruin you. I will fucking destroy your life, Aurora," he simply states. "By the time I'm done with you, you'd wish you were never even born."

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