"My King!" The retainer cookie called from below.

"Cube Choco Cookie. Funny, I was just looking for you." The king slightly chuckled.

"Excuse me for my absence today, it seems I've missed some important news." Cube Choco winked at the watcher still coming down the steps. Out of respect, he tossed out his hand for her to take, once she latched onto it he carefully guided her down. "How are you feeling? Energized? Tired? Maybe even a little drowsy?"

"Is it possible to feel all three?" She nervously asked him.

"I suppose that's a possibility. I could whip you up a drink for some assistance."

The king sighed roughly at the retainer's sense of humor. "There's no way I'm allowing any of these children to drink."

"One out of the three can't be that bad." His assistant joked.


"Yeah yeah." Cube Choco playfully scoffed. "Would you mind following me to the front, my king, there's still plenty of paperwork that needs signing?"

"Of course, I'll get that done right away."

Feeling slightly abandoned, the watcher found herself unsure of whether to continue along or walk around by herself.

Taking notice of the lack of her presence, the king had turned himself around. "I'm sorry Caramel, why don't you finish the lap on your own, okay?"

"Alright." She softly nodded her head and followed along at her own pace.

"Oh—and close that door for me, will you?" Dark Cacao kindly requested.

After receiving another nod the two walked themselves around the corner, still talking each other's ear off. Throughout their conversation, she had heard something about her friend.

"Who could've left that door open, anyway?" Cube Choco wondered.

"Most likely Affogato." He answered.

As she was about to slide the door close, she found herself unable to continue at the hearing of his name. "He's out there?" She whispered to herself, swiftly peaking her head out to try and look for his shadow. Of course, for her, one peak wasn't enough. And of course, knowing her, she wasn't thinking of giving up anytime soon. Hesitantly, she put one foot out the door. Instantly feeling the chill rise to her leg before bringing out her other one.
Turning herself around she continued to slam the door close, but being sure to crack it so neither of them would get locked out.

"Funny, I expected you here much sooner."

Jolting from his sudden presence, the watcher couldn't help but fall vulnerable to his closeness. "Affogato!" Caramel shrieked, now bringing her focus to him.

"Don't understand why you're so surprised." Affogato coolly stated. "You had a feeling I was here, didn't you?"

"Of course I did, why else would I be here?" As she tried to walk off her advisor had blocked her path, purposely trying to corner her by the entrance to maintain her attention.

"I don't know. Why else would you be here?" He instigated.

The watcher crossed her arms as she poked her left hip out. The audacity he had to be this immature on a day as big as this. Although, it wasn't like she was expecting anything else from him. But it was clear to him that she was expecting something a little more welcoming coming from him. "Is this really how you want to spend tonight?"

With only silence to carry out that question, the two just stared at each other. As blank as he could be his expression was just as full of emotion as hers. Slightly, his frown deepened. The small difference made it twice as difficult for her just to ignore him. Soon, his arm released itself from the door behind her indicating to her he was striving for distance.

The Biggest Twist Of All (Affocara)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu