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I slowly rubbed my tear from the back of my palm and realized that there was no response from Sid bhai. I looked at him and saw his eyes becoming red due to anger and clenching his fist.

There was a silence for some time and then Sid bhai broke the silence and told "It was very hard for her even though I will try my best to make her happy."

"Bhai, one more thing. Don't tell Serena that I told you these things. She does not like to share her personal details" I said.

"Ok bhai. I am leaving. It's time for my class" I said and left the place.


After Radhika left, I slowly walked towards my car and sat on the driver's seat. I was silent for some time and then I hardly hit the steering wheel making my knuckles white.

After sometime, I made myself calm and started to drive the car.

"My sugar has suffered a lot. I promise I will never let you cry again" I thought.

"I will make the whole world kneel down for her."


In the evening, I again went to the café. But this time I just didn't wait for her outside rather I went inside to talk to her. I have only one month to make her feel for me and I will fucking try my best.

I sat in front of her. I saw that she was drawing something but I ignored that and started to talk.

"Hey sugar, are you interested in drawing?" I asked.

She stopped her doing and slowly lift her eyes to look at me. But when I saw her, I was shocked. It was like someone asked me to give my life to him. My heart burned in anger and I clenched my fist. If I am not wrong, they might be behind all these. I am sure. But I want to hear this from her.

"It's just a ho.........." I cut her off and asked "Who did this to you?" my hand going towards the marks on her neck and face. The marks clearly showed that someone has slapped her hard and grabbed her neck very tightly.

"Leave it" she said and jerked my hand saying not to touch there but still how can I? I quickly cupped her face and again asked with concern but in a little loud and deep voice "Who fucking did this to you?"

She was unable to control now. A tear slowly fell down from her eyes but again she stood strongly. She got very much angry and she jerked my hands and shouted on me.

"Who the hell are you to interfere in my life? What do you want from me? Just leave me alone and don't follow. Fuck off from here. I know what to do and what not to, you don't have to advise me everytime. Understood?" and she left.

I noticed that everyone was staring at me but I don't fucking care. I am just worried about her. The marks were so deep and red in color. So, this was the reason that she didn't even go to college today. I slowly stood up from my seat and went near my car. I was very angry and blood was boiling inside. I kicked the tyres of my car and punched very hard.

After sometime, I tried to control my anger and sat on the driver's seat. Still my anger has not gone yet. I will make them pay for this. I will burn them lively. I will torture them just like they tortured her.


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