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6:26 am

Someone on Twitter wrote: "Did you see that video of Prince Henry fighting with the Queen of England?"

Someone else responded: "I've heard about it, but I have no clue what they were fighting about."

A third person responded: "I heard it was because he found out the Queen payed off Deathcast to mark Alex."

The first person posted a response: "That's just a conspiracy theory. Deathcast doesn't work for any government."

A new person entered the chain: "It's true. My cousin's boyfriend's dog sitter's mom works for Deathcast. If you pay them, they'll curse whoever you want."

The first person wrote: "Deathcast doesn't cause the death. What about all the people they call who die of natural causes?"

A last new member joined: "When y'alls accounts get banned for discussing this openly, I'm going to laugh."


6:30 am

Alex took a sip of his coffee. "Wow," Nora said. Henry had just finished recounting the call he had with his grandmother. "A little soon to be having that conversation, isn't it?"

"That's what I was thinking," June said.

Alex reached to hold Henry's hand over the table. They were always a physically affectionate couple, but today they were extra physically affectionate. They wanted to be touching as long as they could. No one dared say a thing.

Henry took it. "You know how my gran is," Henry said. "Always thinking politically before thinking emotionally."

"True," Alex said. Soon, everyone's food came. No one had mentioned who they were yet, and honestly they were happy about that. The last thing they wanted right now was for cameras to be shoved in their face.

The quarters started on their breakfast. There was a surprising lack of chatter from the table. They had nothing to talk about. They didn't really want to talk about the future. The future felt like a black storm cloud quickly approaching to wreck their lives.

They mostly had the restaurant to theirselves. There were maybe three other groups, but each one had less than five people. A Red Hot Chili Pepper song was blasting from the jukebox. "I'll be right back," Alex said before getting up.

He scooted out of the booth. "I didn't want to say it in front of Alex, but gran also said I should take this as a sign," Henry said.

June and Nora both had shocked looks on their faces. "I didn't think I could hate your grandmother more, but now I do," June said.

"June," Nora said. She then whispered, "I mean, I agree with you, but you can't just say that stuff in public."

"I don't care," June said.

"Here's the thing," Henry said. "I don't think I want to move back to England after Alex..."

The word fails to leave his mouth, but Nora and June caught the drift. "I like what I've built for myself here," Henry continued. "I have the foundation and more freedom. I'll visit, of course for my family and Pez, but I'm not really eager to pack by bags and go back either."

"We'll support whatever you do," Nora said.

"How is Pez?" June asked. "I haven't heard from hime in a while."

"He's doing fine," Henry said. "He was the first to blow up my phone when the news first broke."

Alex soon returned. "What are you talking about?"

"Pez," June said.

The song ended, and another song began. A song Henry recognized.

It's a little bit funny

This feelin' inside

"Is this Elton John?" Nora asked.

"Yeah," Alex said. "It's the first song Henry ever played for me on piano."

Henry blinked back tears as he remembered that day. He thought if he and Alex ever did have a wedding, this would probably be what their first first dance to. Heck, sometimes Sir Elton John sang was singing it live. Henry always fantasied about that day, thinking they'd eventually have it.

"Great song," June said.

"I agree," Alex said.

"Thanks for playing this," Henry said.

"I figured it would cheer you up," Alex said. How backwards was this? Alex was cheering him up on Alex's final day. However, Henry knew Alex. He knew he'd eventually need to break down, and they'd be there for him.

They soon finished eating. The bill was brought around. "What next?" June asked.

"I don't know," Alex said. "We've done all the tourist things. Didn't you mention something about a crappy VR place? That could be fun to check out. He could also just go back to the White House for a while."

"The VR place sounds nice," Henry said.

"I'll make sure it's open," Nora said. She pulled out her phone. "At least ten more articles have been written about you. The person who called you has had their named leaked to the public. They're out of a job. She claims she didn't know, but I doubt that."

"I refuse to believe she didn't know," June said. "She had to know who it was when she saw that name."

"Any photos from the tram?" Alex asked.

"Not yet," Nora said. The group paid for their meals before stepping outside. Amy and Cash started to lead them towards the van. It was freezing.

"Whatever we do, it should definitely be inside," June suggested.

"I second this," Alex said.

"That VR place is open," Nora commented.

"Then let's head there," Alex suggested. The van door opened, and the four climbed inside. Cash turned on the car as Nora gave them the address. "Maybe after this, we can go back to the White House and recharge."

"I could go for a nap," June said.

"We've got a long day ahead of this," Alex said. The hopefully goes unsaid.

Cash started to drive. "I have that essay," Alex said.

"I'm pretty sure your professors will expect this as an excuse," June said.

"Oprah's tweeted about you," Nora said. "That's how you know you've made it big."

They soon arrived at the VR place. "Mom's now asking for photo proof," June said. She snapped a quick photo of her brother.

The four of them, plus Cash and Amy, climbed out of the car. As they got closer to the building, they heard an explosion. Henry pushed himself and Alex to the ground. Please let this not be the end.

Henry, as he trembled, looked over to seeing the car they were in had exploded. They were so close to everything being over.


Song - Your Song - Elton John

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