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11:59 am

It was a chilly February night. Alex Claremont-Diaz was hunched over his laptop, working on an essay. This paper wasn't due for a few more weeks, but he figured it was better to do it now.

There was a knock on Alex's bedroom door. "Come in," Alex called.

"Can't sleep either?" June asked.

Alex turned to face his older sister. "I saw your light was still on," June added.

June sat beside Alex on his bed, crossing her legs. "How bored am I that I'm working on an essay for entertainment?" Alex asked. June let out a short chuckle. "Anything interesting in the world of celebrity gossip?"

"Well, they're still convinced you and Henry got secretly engaged on Valentine's Day," June explained. "Apparently, you've been seen wearing a ring that looks identical to something in the Queen's collection."

"Like she'd give Henry a ring to propose to me with," Alex said. "Sorry. No secret engagements here."

"Have you and Henry talked about getting engaged?" June asked.

"Honestly, if we were anyone else, we'd be engaged," Alex responded. "However, we want to figure out all the political implications beforehand."

"I never thought you'd have a big, royal wedding," June chuckled.

"Neither did I," Alex said. Neither of them realized it had turned midnight until they heard the familiar ringtone of Deathcast. June picked up her phone. The screen was black. June looked over at her brother, who stared at his suddenly lit up screen.

Suddenly, the essay was the least of Alex's worries.

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