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1:23 am

"Wanna know the top fifteen celebrities you're most likely to be reincarnated as the baby of?" June asked, bringing a small amount of much needed levity. The Claremont-Diaz siblings, plus Henry, were loaded in the back of a secret service bullet proof van. They were on a straight path back to the White House.

The car ride from the hotel back to the White House was only about thirty minutes. June had been going through all the articles they missed, only reading out the most interesting. Half of them seemed to be convinced Alex was already dead.

"What place is Phillip and Martha's first born?" Alex asked jokingly.

"They're actually the article picture," June chuckled. "They used that photo from their wedding that was on every magazine not running Cakegate."

The royal wedding incident. That felt so long ago. "If reincarnation is real, I honestly hope it's not as anyone famous," Alex said. "I've been on the front page of enough magazines for at least two life times."

"The conspiracy theories have already started," June muttered.

"Honestly, I'd be disappointed if my death wasn't going to cause this level of pandemonium," Alex said.

"We're here," Amy said. A secret service member opened the door. The three young adults climbed out of the car. They were immediately greeted by the President of the United States, and Nora Holleran. Ellen had her arms crossed.

"You couldn't go out without causing one more incident, could you?" Ellen asked. Her eyes were red and puffy. She then pulled her son in for a hug. Alex threw his arms around her.

After a good minute, Ellen led the three into the White House. There was a silence so thick that someone would need a butcher knife to cut through it. Cash immediately greeted them at the door.

"A plane has been sent out to collect Senator Diaz," Cash explained.

"Thank you, Cassius," Ellen said. Cash nodded before walking off, presumably going to check the area for dangers.

Ellen then turned to address her children, Nora, and Henry. "I have to go deal with some things about the leak," Ellen said. "I'd prefer you say here, but if you must go out, take some security with you. And keep your phone trackers on."

1:31 am

The four people ended up crashing in Alex's room. Alex and June had left in such a hurry that his laptop was still open. However, it was dead. Alex didn't bother to plug it in. He didn't need it.

"Alex, do you still have your Cards Against Humanity deck?" Nora asked.

"It's somewhere in here," Alex said.

"I've never played Cards Against Humanity," Henry said. "Pez likes it."

"You've never played Cards Against Humanity?" June asked, her eyes widening.

"Raunchy card games aren't really popular in the palace," Henry said.

"We're rectifying this," June said.

"Found it," Nora yelled. "We used to play this game all the time when we were drunk."

"I have a secret stash," Alex volunteered. "I've been saving it for a special occasion."

"Getting you drunk today is the worst idea imaginable," June protested. The four ended up sitting on Alex's bed. June explained the rules to Henry; everyone starts the game with seven cards, someone grabs a prompt card, everyone places down a card then draws a new one, the prompt holder picks whichever one they think is the funniest, the winner gets the card, and the next person becomes the prompt holder. The winner is the first person with seven cards.

"How is this considered the most risqué card game?" Henry asked.

Alex grew a flirtatious smirk. "You'll see." He pressed a kiss into Henry's cheek as June distributed the cards.

1:42 am

"Okay, who put sixty-nine, as in the position?" June asked, barely containing her laughter.

"Guilty," Nora laughed. June slapped the prompt card beside Nora's other two prompt cards. June was currently winning with four, Alex and Nora were now tied with three, and Henry had two.

Alex went to grab another card, but his phone range. "It's dad," Alex said. "I should take this."

Alex stepped out of the bedroom. "Okay," Nora. said. "What's the actual plan for Alex's final day?"

"He said he doesn't want to do anything big," June said. "Also, with all the media out there, doing anything is going to be impossible."

They didn't dare think about the other possibility. There was rumors to be a website that had a point system for killing Deckers. They could turn in the points for money. The government was trying to track down the runners and those who used the website. The First Son would certainly be the motherlode of all points.

"He told me he eventually just wants to be alone," June added. "He doesn't want to make anyone watch him die."

"Then, let's take him somewhere he can be alone," Nora said. "We can make a roadtrip out of it."

"I don't know," June said. "The minute he steps out of that door, he's going to be swarmed. There's already a large crowd forming outside the White House."

Nora stared out the window. It was a dark night, but Nora could see the silhouettes. Hundreds of people were pressed against the gate. "Fair point," Nora said. The silence returned until Alex returned to the bedroom.

"What did he say?" June asked.

"We didn't say much," Alex admitted. "He just wanted to hear from myself that I made it back safely. He doesn't think the plane will land until about seven in the evening."

The reason that brought everyone to this room suddenly returned to everyone. This time tomorrow, they won't be sat around, playing card games. Tomorrow, there will be one less, and they'll be planning a funeral.

"So," Alex said. "I believe that it's my turn."

Alex picked up a prompt card. "Experts say sex is always better with," Alex read aloud.

They continued to play until June got seven cards. Alex came in second place, Henry made a return in the second round and came in third, and Nora was only one card behind him. "Another round?" June asked.

"Maybe later," Alex said.

"Anybody else hungry?" Nora asked. "We're the pros at sneaking snacks from the kitchen."

"I could eat," Alex responded.

"Me too," Henry said.

"Nora and I will go," June said. The two girls left the bedroom, leaving Alex and Henry alone.

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