Chapter 11 - Reunited

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They arrived at the bounty board, entering the building at the side of it with a decapitated head in hand. This seemed to be the norm around here, they were not the only ones with decapitated heads however the others were in bags and Silas carried the Duke's head by the hair.

"Here we aree... alright... I'm gonna cash it in." Silas Declared, handing in the head and recieving 15k kites. "Ooh, his bounty increased while we were gone." Terra stuck his hand out, then indicating for Silas to hand over the share he was owed. Silas gave a deep sigh, then splitting 20% of it with him. "I hope you're happy."

"Very, very happy." Terra admitted, counting his kites. Hemlock woke up, finding himself on Asura's shoulder.

"Put me down." Commanded Hemlock, then being let down by Asura. "Did I pass out...?"

"Uh-huh." Asura responded, holding her tired shoulder. "They forced me to carry you." Hemlock had nothing left to say, simply standing there and staring into oblivion. They eventually left the building, it was now 6PM.

"Any ideas?" Asked Silas, looking at the group as they all looked clueless (especially Hemlock, who was completely numb to everything around him). "No...? Fine, let's walk back to Hemlock's." And so they did continue their travel back to Hemlock's miniscule, old apartment originally meant for only two people that may or may not have been addicted to drugs. After a while, they arrived outside the apartment complex, all of them looked exhausted. "I think we deserve--" Silas was going to make a comment, before being rudely interrupted by Terra barging everyone out of the way with drones as a plane came crashing into them.

"GET OUTTA THE FUCKING WAY, MAN! COULD YOU NOT HEAR US?!" Trig screamed, forgetting his plane was going at turbo speed and by the time they even heard it coming it was already thrusting towards them at insanely high speeds. Hemlock pulled the brutally injured Vinnie out of the plane, looking upset to see his friend in such a state. "Dude, hands off-- oh right you're his buddy."

"I'm good with medicine... I'll get him fixed up." Hemlock muttered, only Trig could really understand what he was saying as he watched Hemlock's sorry attempt at carrying Vinnie to his apartment. Silas chuckled at the sight, helping him carry Vinnie. They all entered the apartment, ready to ask Trig thousands of questions. Hemlock began grinding herbs in a mortar and pestle professionally, treating Vinnie's fever appropriately and putting him to rest.

"First of all--" Silas was interrupted by Trig who punched him in the face.

"LISTEN, DON'T FUCKING ASK QUESTIONS I'LL EXPLAIN! So like, first the purple boy's crazy fucking sister CHASED US TO ANOTHER COUNTRY AND TRIED TO KILL US! LIKE, HOLY SHIT? HOW DID SHE EVEN GET THERE! AND SHE WAS ALL LIKE... LIKE..." Trig was doing hand movements to try and show some sort of monster, clawing the air and spreading his hands apart. "BIG SHARK, DUDE! I NEVER WANNA SEE THAT AGAIN!"

"I like this guy he's pathetic, it makes me laugh." Terra spoke out bluntly, crossing his arms and laying back as a drone came through the window with a coffee which he sipped leisurely on. They spent the rest of the night debating the creature, Trig helping everyone understand what Vinnie and him did while Asura and Silas explained what happened while him and Vinnie were gone. Vinnie opened his eyes, seeing Hemlock staring directly into them with his soulless ones.

"Hello." Said Hemlock, still remaining in the same position and not moving an inch. "Don't move, you're sick. I gave you some medicine."

"Thanks Hemmy-- WAIT, HEMMY?!" He jolted out of the bed, clutching Hemlock's shoulders and instantly feeling the pain, getting back into the bed. "Happy to see ya, Periperi."

"I heard about your little adventure. My sister can be... a bitch at times." Admitted Hemlock, revealing a tiny smile upon his pale snake's skin.

"You SWORE? HOLY-- YOU'RE A REAL BOY NOW! " Shouted Vinnie excitedly, hugging Hemlock. Vinnie then belches blood all over the floor, Hemlock jumping back and looking unamused as Vinnie fell off his bed into the blood.

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