His Once and Future King

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The first time Merlin met Arthur, he thought the prince to be shellfish, arrogant, incompetent; the list goes on. Merlin used his magic to his advantage, dodging and weaving and throwing Arthur off his game, mostly to survive the weapon being thrust at him, but also to knock the pig-headed prince down a few pegs. Merlin was disappointed to learn that his new position working for Gaius would put him directly in the line of fire for Arthur's attention.

Throughout the time Merlin was working for Gaius, Arthur slowly got to know Merlin, and saw something in the brunet that made Arthur want to hold him close and never let go. Merlin couldn't have felt more opposite. He still thought the prince to be so far up his own ass to notice much of anything, like Merlin's magic.

The two young men spent as little time together as physically possible, Arthur not understanding his own feelings of wanting to be near Merlin and pushing him away out of fear, and Merlin thinking the prince to be a clotpole, wanting nothing to do with him. Still, there were times that Arthur had to consult Gaius on his own, and Gaius happened to be out collecting herbs and materials for his elixirs. This was always Merlin's least favourite part of his days, and despite Arthur fearing his own feelings, he couldn't manage to stay away from Merlin, taking on more tasks involving Gaius just for the small chance there is to see Merlin.

The second time Merlin and Arthur properly went head to head, was at Arthur's birthday ball, when Merlin thwarted the witch set out to kill Arthur and Uther. Before Uther could even properly thank Merlin for saving his son and only heir, Arthur had strode forward and announced that he would be taking Merlin as his consort, Merlin having proven himself worthy and capable enough.

Merlin would have scowled, but he was too shocked by the open joy on the prince's face to do much else than smile reflexively back at the blond. No one noticed the witch smiling to herself wickedly while being dragged to the dungeons by two guards. No one questioned Arthur, each for their own reasons, and Uther only frowned, most likely for not having been consulted more than his son taking a male consort from another kingdom.

And thus Merlin's new life began, and he hated it. He was waited on and served, dressed in fine clothes and sent gifts from Arthur (or Arthur's servants). He spent his days wandering the castle, but for the most part he spent his time staring out the windows, thinking where he went wrong to be given such a stifling life. And it was stifling. He was made to look nice, dressed in fine fabrics, and wasn't allowed to leave the castle grounds, for fear of his safety.

Merlin lasted all of two weeks like this, before he finally went to confront Arthur.

"Why did you make me your consort?" Merlin wasted no time with formalities, finding Arthur tucked away in a corner of the library, stacks of books and parchment littering the desk, as well as several already broken quills and an almost empty ink well.

Arthur didn't look up. "I made you my consort because you saved my life, Merlin, and as the Prince I can't have life debts." He paused for a moment, then, "But as a person," he said quietly, finally looking up at Merlin with the most honest and vulnerable expression Merlin had ever seen on anyone ever. "I can't let you walk away without me showing my appreciation. So this was the best option I could see."

Merlin was a bit stunned. He hadn't realised that Arthur had done this for Merlin's sake, to make his life better. And it was, technically, better. He had freedom to roam the castle and ground unquestioned, because of his status and because of his fine clothes. He was healthy and safe, and had access to the library. Merlin frowned. If Arthur was going to be honest, then so was Merlin.

"I'm lonely," Merlin finally said softly. Arthur looked back up at him with surprise. "I appreciate why you did this, I really do, but I have no friends in this castle, save Gaius, and I can't go outside of the castle to help him, so he barely has time for me." Merlin dragged a hand through his hair in frustration.

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