The Ninja Reunited

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Skylor's POV
I am so tired. Me and Kai stayed up late last night at the restaurant because it was busy, and it was the kids' first day of school the next day. Why, OK Skylor woke up, and then I clumsily fell out of bed. Me and Kai were the third ones to get married and me and Kai are working at my father's restaurant well, I mostly do Kai usually is busy being a blacksmith. After we got married Kai and his parents decided to build Four Weapons in Ninjago as well. So, now Kai helps out sometimes with making people come in or he is doing blacksmith work and we are trying to teach our hot-headed fiery red-headed to as well but, he is only interested in sports but, doesn't want to play any because, of his friend, Liam who isn't in any sport and doesn't want to leave him out. But my brown-headed daughter always caring about her hair is at least trying to take over the family business by being a chef. Oh, no it is time for the kid's school, and I am a hot mess... Great.

Kai's POV
Ok, my hot wife is tired, my kids are asleep and if I want to prove to Sky that I still care, I'm going to, I can't say it... Help. So, I'll start by waking up the children. SMITH DONUTS ARE HERE! And then I heard yells and my son, Sam said, "Where?" I being a responsible dad said, "Sorry, kiddo, no donuts, can't be late on your first day of school". Khloe said, "Forget about him Sam. Let's get ready, I have a super-cute outfit for today". Then I and Sam said, "Let me see it". Chloe groaned and didn't show us. I made cereal, maybe because it is the only thing I can make. Then the kids came down I always approved of Sam but Khloe her outfit was okay... I am going to take her shopping again. The kids groaned when they saw cereal and Khloe said, "Why Dad why." I replied, "Okay, we don't have all day". They quickly ate their cereal and we left... Little did I know we had a surprise.

Cole's POV
So, Seliel and I were the fourth ones to get married. What we do is Seliel is holding a fighting school with Dareth so his studio's a bit better. I am a host on one of the most amazing shows ever, Cake vs. Object (OK, it is really like the show, Is It Cake? on Netflix). The best part is that I get to eat cake. Today it was Seliel's turn to open the studio, so she went early to go. One I get to take my pink-haired daughter and black-haired son to school and the best day, the first day of school. I saw that Seliel made pancakes before she left and said, "This is for the kids, I don't trust your cooking, and don't eat all of them". I was a bit offended but, I heated the pancakes and got chocolate chips and maple syrup out for them. Then, I yelled, "Kids time to wake up". Then by the smell of pancakes, they came rushing downstairs. My daughter asked, "Dad" I replied, "Yes, sweetie cake." She said, "How many times have I told you to stop calling me that and can I join fighting classes"? Colson asked why. "Madison Turner that is why," she said. I asked who that was and she said it was just some girl in school, I don't want to deal with it. I shrugged it off and then I told the kids who were already ready to get in the car. So, we got into the car, and I couldn't believe who I saw KAI as in KAI SMITH as in my friend from when I was like let's not mention my age.

Lloyd's POV

Me and Harumi were the second ones to get married and I am a "teacher" at a school while I am a person working for the police officers. After the Overlord's defeat, I and Harumi got married after months of waiting because, she needed to stay in jail for everything she did but, she only got months because, she did help in the end in defeating the Overlord and I said she was my girlfriend when she wasn't, I am still embarrassed for lying to the police but, it was for the love of my life. I remember that day perfectly.


Harumi: Thanks for coming to pick me up Lloyd, you didn't need to you know.

Lloyd: It's fine, I brought you some new clothes, so you can get out of the orange jumpsuit.

Harumi: Thanks Lloyd!

Then Harumi hugged him, and they both looked away and blushed.

Harumi: I am going to change.

Lloyd was thinking do I like her; I mean what if she tries to hurt me again?

Harumi came out in a green shirt with a purple skirt and Lloyd thought she looked flawless but he didn't show it.
Then Harumi and Lloyd go on Lloyd's bike and then they stop so that Lloyd can rest. Harumi asked something to Lloyd.

Harumi: Lloyd
Lloyd: Yea, Harumi
Harumi: How come a guard told me you called me your girlfriend?
Lloyd: (Blushing Hard) What um uh.
Harumi: OK, look I didn't love you back then but, after the guard told me that. I started developing feelings for you I kept thinking about them and now I truly realize, Lloyd, I love you.
Lloyd: (Looking shocked) Harumi ever since I met you, I loved you so,
And he started kissing Harumi in the middle of the sandy desert and it was amazing.
They both say I love you again.

Flashback ended

I realized I zoned out and then Hailey said, "Dad. Dad! Where is mom?" Harumi was the Jade princess so; she is secretly signing papers for becoming queen in the next upcoming years. I said, "She is at work." Liam then said, "Are we leaving or not." We got to the school and then I saw Cole and Kai talking I parked the car and jumped out to say hey to them.

Jay's POV
So, both me and I are taking the kids on their first day of school. Then when me and Nya said, bye to the kids. And Nya saw everyone in Ninja team the except Zane. Me and Nya rushed over to them. And to get their attention, I said, "So is this a reunion where are the drinks." Then all of us were in a group hug we all talked for a bit and then Lloyd said, "Wow, we all missed so much of each other's lives". Nya said, "Yeah, do you know what." "What sweetheart", I said. Kai, of course, said, "NO LOVEY BUSINESS I DON'T CARE IF YOU GUYS ARE MARRIED, JUST DON'T". "Ok Kai jeez.", Cole said. "Anyway, how about we all have a dinner party at our mansion." All the guys nodded, and we exchanged numbers and even got Zane on board, and they all are coming over the weekend. When we decided to also tell the kids about their powers.

Author's Note-
I know it is a short chapter but two in a day.
Let's Go!!!

Edit-I added a song and I like this song

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