Seattle Day 1(Part Two).

Start from the beginning

The information doesn't put (Y/N) at ease. Not one bit. Especially when it involved Ellie.

Just mere feets away, he can sense their approach.


"What the-"



Now that came outta nowhere.

(Y/N) who was ready to come out his spot, was taken aback by the sudden ambush on the soldiers.


(Y/N) twitched after hearing a new voice.

"We have freed more Wolves for you. May you guide their tainted souls to the light."

'The fuck is he talking about?'

(Y/N) waited for a bit.

And a bit.

More bit.

Until it's silent. Dead silent.

He slowly, carefully crept out of his hiding place. And what's in front of him, ain't pretty.

The two WLF goons that were after him is dead. One was shot by an arrow, piercing through the eyeball.

The other got his head blown, presumably with a shotgun as there's no head remain on the body.

'Scars... That's what they called them.'

(Y/N) takes a quick breather, patching himself up. After he's done, he steps outside the place, and notices more WLF soldier's corpse, presumably killed by the same group.

But it didn't matter. Not to (Y/N). He's here for a different reason. And that's to annihilate the WLF and prevent them from going after Ellie....


The boy just realize the most important thing after that. Ellie and Joel.

They have been seperated.

He begins looking around, with no signs of shooting or fighting.


And Joel even has the map and the rest of the stuff, so he's pretty much lost.

Without much of a choice, (Y/N) decided to let fate and luck guide him.

'Hotels and schools.'

Those are the places where the stationed WLF were supposedly at.

So he just kept walking until he reaches one.

A high school. Or former high school. It was ruined anyway, but judging from the looks of it, it's also used by FEDRA as military school before WLF took over.

Inside, wasn't a pretty sight.

WLF soldiers were hanged, with their guts and organs leaking out their slashed stomach. It's sickening.

'Okay... This is not Joel. So the Scars...'


(Y/N) was startled by the sudden whistle, and he quickly rushed to take cover. But it was too late as one arrow coming from the back pierced through his shoulder.


Taking cover behind the wall, he forcefully pulled out the arrow, causing blood to leak out the spot.

"He's hit! Go!"

(Y/N) wasted no time in grabbing his weapons, getting ready for combat.

One of the pursuers reached his side, but it was a dumb move to close the distance, allowing (Y/N) to strike him face on, ending him.

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