"In the end, you're no better than Seoyeon. Turning a blind eye and allowing her to manipulate and abuse others is just as bad as doing it yourself."

Jeongguk lowers his head, ashamed. His fingers clench and unclench.

"Listen," Donghyun starts and takes a deep breath. He must hear the low growl rumbling in Jeongguk's chest, sensing that Jeongguk holds back for the better. "I know this is hard to hear but Seoyeon is not the right person for you. She only cares about status. Seoyeon is just using you to get what she wants."

Jeongguk doesn't know what to say, mind reeling with accusation, or is it maybe the truth? He's lost and doesn't know what to say. He feels a surge of anger.

"I know this is a lot to take in," Donghyung leans against the tree behind him and stares up into the sky. "but you need to think about what's best for the pack. Seoyeon would be a terrible head omega. She would be unfair and cruel. She would make everyone miserable."

"How do you know?" Jeongguk barks, regretting it almost instantly.

Donghyun is quiet and closes his eyes. Thinking he doesn't receive an answer, Jeongguk swallows nervously, chest tightening. He snaps his gaze up when the alpha answers, voice lower and difficult to hear in the wind. "I loved- still love her and I made a mistake by following her steps into planning to mess with Jimin." His lips stretch into a tight smile. "Our situations might be different, but don't be stupid like me. It's not too late to change. You can still become the head alpha this pack needs."

"How?" Jeongguk looks at Donghyun, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. Regret and guilt hit him, sacks of weight weighing down on him. He's let his ego and pride take the reins.

"That's something for me to keep and for you to figure out. You're smart, start small. I know you can do it, Jeongguk." With these words, Donghyun pushes himself away from the tree and leaves Jeongguk alone in the silence of the forest. His heart pounds in his chest and his eyes dart around nervously, taking in the dark forest around him, realising how dark it actually has become. He feels a knot of anxiety in his stomach.

He takes a deep, shaky breath and pinches his nose between his fingers. Jeongguk is speechless and clueless on what to do. He doesn't even know anymore what's wrong and what's right. The anger is still vibrant in him.

Jeongguk wanted to lash out and defend himself, denying everything Donghyun said, but he couldn't. Words got caught in his throat, refusing to be uttered when he talked about Seoyeon. His heartfelt heavy when Seoyeon's image flashed before his eyes, her demeanour a stark contrast to how she usually behaved towards him. He noticed something akin to fear in her eyes.

Jimin's words echo in his mind, casting a shadow of uncertainty about what he knew about the person he deemed to be the future head omega. What is the truth? Who can he believe? Can he believe Jimin?

He was proven wrong about the things he thought he hated Jimin for. Their past encounters have been filled with nothing but hate and resentment, like two wolves from enemy packs. Can Jeongguk let go of the reasons for his resentment for Jimin? After all, he is also to blame for the fact that they were no longer friends—

"Lost in thought?"

Jeongguk jerks from the tree trunk he decided to sit down on, body now facing an alpha, partially covered from the shadows of the branches under the moon. Jeongguk scrunches his nose in distaste at the familiar alpha, the lake scene not entirely forgotten. He warningly growls, not feeling like interacting with Jinho. Something about his presence annoys him.

"You look troubled. I guess it has something to do with the fact that Donghyun was just here?"

Jeongguk's eyebrows draw together. He still holds on to the anger, but gradually it disappears. "Why are you asking if you already know?"

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