Chapter 8 Inspirations

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Chapter 3 Inspirations


Sheila E. played soccer and softball growing up, broke school records for running track, dreamed of becoming an Olympic runner, and inherited a competitive, women-can-do-anything spirit from her mother and maternal (i.e., Gardere) family. (Source: The Beat of My Own Drum by Sheila E.)

Pete Escovedo received an art scholarship when he was younger, but like his daughter, felt overwhelmingly called to music (Source:

Pete worried about Sheila entering the world of percussion because of how much it wore on him, which was, in large part, why he encouraged her violin playing (Selected Source: - circa 5:33).

Sheila has sometimes let her athletic spirit and workaholic tendencies compromise her health:

A May 29, 1989 issue of Jet magazine reported that Sheila fell and fractured her elbow on the Lovesexy tour, but kept working on the tour in spite of doctor's orders (Source:

In her autobiography, Sheila wrote of having to accept prioritizing her health over work around the dawn of the 1990s. Strain from over-extending herself and an unhealthy playing stance led her to try intense acupuncture treatments, an acupuncture needle pierced her lung, and her lung was 80% collapsed as a result (side note: I'm a nerd about most things, so I did some research on other cases like this, and it seems terrifying). Prior to that, X-rays revealed that her spine, pelvis, hips, and calf muscles were adversely affected from the same combination of physical stressors. Ultimately, the ordeal would leave her temporarily paralyzed and bring her work life to a halt, but she was fortunate enough to recover (Source: The Beat of My Own Drum by Sheila E.).

Beatles member and drummer Ringo Starr has, at various times (but most recently at the ceremony for Sheila's Hollywood Walk of Fame star) shared an anecdote about her performing despite an injured ankle during her tenure in his All Stars Band. (Selected Source:


Guitar Center Sessions: Sheila E. - Like Father, Like Daughter

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