Chapter 7 Inspirations

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Chapter 6 Inspirations


"I was only 16 but I guess that's no excuse / My sister was 32, lovely, and loose" (From: "Sister" - Prince)


In various interviews, Denise Matthews has recounted harrowing experiences with being physically and sexually abused, as well as the faith that she drew on to overcome those experiences later on. Much of her early suffering in this regard occurred at the hands of her father, who physically and verbally abused her for the first fifteen years of her life. (Selected Source: Denise Matthews' Christian Network interview [Part 1:; Part 2:; Part 3:])

Sheila E. has had a penchant for writing backwards since she was young; she traced the origins of doing so to writing messages in the condensation of school bus windows. By writing backwards on her side of the window, anyone on the outside could read the words forwards. (Source: The Beat of My Own Drum by Sheila E.)

As a young woman, Sheila E. became accustomed to men approaching her and offering opportunities for career advancement in exchange for sexual favors, and to (sometimes forcefully) having to shut them down (Source: The Beat of My Own Drum by Sheila E.)


The Idolmaker Trailer (1980)


Trilby by George du Maurier

Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

Phantom by Susan Kay


"Papa" - Prince

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