Chapter 10

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Cherie's pronouncement seemed to intrigue Blaise. "Why do you say that?" he asked.

She sat further back in her chair. "After being repeatedly violated, I had all this pain built up inside. Even now, there are things that trigger the memories. I have to go on apology tours here and there, because I don't always handle it well. But my flashbacks and acting out reached a fever pitch in middle school, and my parents decided I needed a change of environment. So, they sent me to stay with Tia Mirela for a while, and she saved me from myself."

"Interesting," Blaise said.

There was an edge to his voice that made Cherie uncomfortable.

"Which part?"

"Well, I too had a turbulent adolescence, and I spent some time living with an aunt, but she washed her hands of me. It's also clear that your parents welcomed you back. I was not so lucky."

Cherie paled, and wondered how it was that she'd landed in another minefield so soon after the first.

Blaise reached out to touch her cheek. "I'm not upset with you, sweetheart, and I'm happy that you have so many people in your life who love you. Unfortunately, there's been an earthquake in my world since we last saw each other, and it's reminded me of how much love I've missed out on."

Though almost afraid to probe, Cherie ventured to anyway. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

He didn't respond immediately, but when he did, it was with his own question. "Would your family mind a friend tagging along during your visit?"

Without hesitation, she said, "Not at all. It's kind of a running joke that we're good at adopting lots of people."

"Cool. There's something else."

"Name it."

"How do you feel about road trips?"


Blaise was so fascinated by the Valiente family's musical talents, and so charming in his interactions with them, that only a week after his arrival, the parting was reluctant on both sides. Little Neveah, who'd happily allowed him to give her several makeovers, was particularly affected. That aside, as he'd explained to Cherie, he had a family matter of his own to attend to.

"I haven't been back in years," he told her when they left Santa Fe behind in favor of Lowridge, Michigan. "Isn't that strange? It's less than an hour's drive from Port Matthews, but I never go. And I hate the circumstances I'm returning under now."

Pulling herself out of admiration for his prowess behind the wheel of his Thunderbird, Cherie pondered said circumstances.

Blaise had told her of a frantic message from his younger sister, which revealed that his estranged father was seriously ill. When he asked if she'd come, she hadn't been sure if it was appropriate, but Blaise told her that Laurencia was too busy with work, and his assistant too close to the conflict he had with his family, for him to ask them. He also informed her that he'd benched the rest of his entourage. So, she stepped up to the plate.

She'd feared it would hurt him to face it alone.

"The one good thing about this is that I'll get to introduce you to my chosen family."

She smiled. "Are The Brothers Royale staging a comeback?"

"Exclusively for you. I've already placed the calls."

Deliberately making reference to the group's lyrics, she said, "I guess the funk is in full effect."

Blaise smiled back. "You know it, sugar."

Cherie thought about what she knew of the band. Two albums into his own solo career, Blaise had secured a separate record deal for the only group he'd ever been a part of. They'd released two albums to strong, positive reception, but disbanded without explanation after touring for their sophomore release.

Out of curiosity, she started an impromptu interview. "What inspired you to lead a group while you were elbow deep into your solo career?"

"Well, originally, I wasn't going to be in it. The plan was to produce my friends and get their names out. But the music I made for them was too funky. I couldn't let it go."

"How'd you guys come up with your name?"

"It was a combination of things. My friends and I were so tight growing up that we called ourselves brothers, and my first serious girlfriend called me Royale. Put 'em together and what have you got?"

"Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo," she sang automatically.

They both snickered.

"Keep it up and I'll start calling you 'princess'," he said.

"That's from the fairy godmother's song, but it's whatever. You could call me 'old buddy, old pal' and I'd take it. Just don't call me out of my name, or you'll get back as good as you give."

Blaise pretended to gasp. "Does my good girl have a bad side?"

"Only if you push me past my limits."

Mischief filled Blaise's eyes. "But how will I know where the limits are if I don't do any pushing?"

She shook her head. "Oh, no. You're one of those. Are your friends like that too?"

"Like what?"

"The wrong kind of button-pushers."

"Hey, now, I'm offended. The only thing I want to do is to break you out of your shell."

"A, what makes you think I have a shell?" she asked. "B, turtles die without shells."

"A, anyone who's been around you for more than a day could figure out that you have a shell. B, you're not a turtle, honey."

Cherie played with her fingers, then looked at the open, empty road before them. "No, but I have to protect myself. Have you always been too confident to care about the consequences?"

Blaise slowed to pull into a parking space at a nearly deserted gas station. "No. That's never been true. I just don't let what could go wrong stop me from doing what I dream of. I wouldn't have gotten this far in life if I thought that way."

She rubbed her arms. "Actually, I think you would've gotten this far even if you tried to change course. Your gifts are blessings and way too strong to deny."

He scoffed. "Tell that to my father. There's no one whose playing gets more of my respect, but to him, I'm mediocre at best. He's the actual genius, Cherie. I'm merely the son who will never measure up."


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