Chapter 42

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"So, we're either dealing with a spirit who's aware, or a woman who's none the wiser. I know of only one way to settle this," Don Ernesto said.

Cherie, who'd let Blaise take her hand, felt his hold grow rigid.

"What's that?" he asked lowly.

The curandero spoke with words and gestures. "We must reestablish Cherie and Karina's connection. With the right guidance, Karina can help us figure out the lay of the internal land, and also how she and La Llorona first came into contact."

Cherie nodded, but Blaise and Mirela looked uncertain.

"What exactly would that entail?" Blaise asked.

Don Ernesto rested his elbows on the table. "We would perform a ritual that partially, and temporarily, separates Cherie's spirit from her body. Being between life and death will put her in a state like Karina's, but done with our assistance, she could also remain in communication with the physical world. From there, I will help Cherie get back to where she met Karina when she dreamt of the other-world."

"I'm sorry, but my great-niece being caught between life and death bothers me," Mirela said. "I may not have your expertise, old friend, but I know these things come with risks." She reached for Cherie's other hand. "What if she gets stuck in limbo? Or her spirit untethers from her body?"

"Are you saying she could die?" Blaise asked. His face was now drawn.

Don Ernesto sighed. "Yes, it is a possibility, but I've never lost anyone."

"I don't care, I'm not gambling with her life," Blaise said. "There has to be another way."

Cherie shook her head. "No, we can't afford to wait. Karina gets colder and sinks deeper every day. She's clearly being pulled into the River of Lost Souls. And although I'm almost as new to this as you, I've heard enough stories to guess the next stage. If she goes too deep—"

"No one who is living will be able to connect with her," Mirela finished.

Don Ernesto agreed. "Detached from her living body, she'll be set apart among spirits, lonely and underwater until the Second Coming."

Cherie shook her head again. "I don't think I can live with Karina suffering for an indefinite amount of time, especially when I could do something. Besides, since we're pretty much certain that her body's the one hosting Laurencia, as opposed to the other way around, we can't ignore that she's technically alive. We could save her both physically and spiritually."

"But she wouldn't want it at the expense of another life," Blaise said. "I know that for a fact."

Sensing that he was close to revealing how he'd been contacting Karina, Cherie asked, "May I talk to Blaise alone?"

Don Ernesto and Mirela said, "Of course," at the same time and, as they walked away, Cherie heard them talking about his flower garden.

Once she saw only the dots of their forms, she addressed Blaise. "I know that you're trying to look out for me and respect Karina's values. I'm grateful for that. If the situations were reversed, I'd probably think the same way. But we're seriously running out of time."

His eyes narrowed. "Do you want to die, Cher?"

She frowned. "No."

"Then why are you so comfortable taking a risk with your life? Are you sure you're not looking for an out?"

"I'm positive," she said and tried hard to stay calm. "All I want to do is help."

"Because you love me?" he asked with a scoff.

"Yes, and because it's the right thing to do."

"Humph. You know what I think? I think that your depression's ongoing, contrary to what you've told me, and you're running toward danger to escape."

She rubbed her forehead. "Please. Don't go there. Don't do this."

"Don't what? Search for the truth? Don't you like my new interest in honesty?"

"Just stop!" she yelled. Promptly thereafter, tears fell from her eyes. "I'm tired. I'm always tired. And I'm in love with you, but we can't work. This is the one thing I know I can do for you in this ridiculous, impossible situation, so you are going to let me." Tears still falling, she continued, "For the record, I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid of death. What I'm afraid of is the future if this does not end. I need closure, Blaise. I need to wake up from the nightmare."

All anger fled from his features. "I knew it. It's too much. I'm doing what Dove said I would, and I'm breaking you."

"You aren't," Cherie said, her voice muffled from crying. "But you're right about it being a lot, for you and Karina too." Looking around in search of tissue, she finally remembered that her purse was in her lap. Quickly, she got what she needed.

"Here, honey. Let me help," Blaise said with obvious concern.

She shied away from his touch. "Thanks, but that's okay. I will take care of myself."


The room she'd assumed was a bathroom lived up to her expectations, but Cherie didn't start working on her appearance right away. The tears wanted to return, she believed that she needed to let them, and as they fell it occurred to her that what she was going through had no precedent.

"I know my life needed excitement, but why this?" she asked via prayer. And then she laughed. "Or why not this?"

After washing her face and hands, she went back to Blaise with her renewed convictions.

"I've made a decision," she told him. "I'm going to revisit Karina. I trust Don Ernesto to do what he can to keep me safe and sound, and I trust you and Tia Mirela to be there praying for our success. This is my life, my choice, and I feel good about my reasons for doing it."

She held out her hands, and he took them.

"You can be led, but not forced. I know that from experience," Blaise said. He bit his lower lip. "Nothing that I say will change your mind?"

"Not a thing."

"Alright. Let's go find your great-aunt and Don Ernesto."


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