Author's Note

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Dear Reader,

If you made it this far, I thank you. If this story and its characters connected with you, I am glad. I aim to write out of love, and I hope the love was felt in this story. I also hope that it gave you some small measure of happiness. 

My Cherie Amour is one of three 'purple fics' that I've posted on Wattpad:

My Cherie Amour is one of three 'purple fics' that I've posted on Wattpad:

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If you're interested, I'd appreciate your continued readership. That said, these fics represent the 'end of an era' for me. I'm planning to more or less retire from Wattpad (as a writer, not as a reader), with the door open for possible exceptions in other fandoms at some point. 

Beyond this note, there are the Chapter Inspirations pages. If you haven't already checked them out, or you'd like to revisit them, they're available for you to explore.

Again, thank you for reading, and love and blessings to everyone.



P. S. The world as we know it is ever-changing, and I know that it can sometimes feel like too much. I made allusions to rape, addiction, grief, suicidal ideation, and various other life concerns in this story. If you struggle with any of these things, please know that you are loved, valued, and there is help out there.

Some Suicide Prevention Resources:
(There's an 'External Link' to the site at the end of this story part; if you can't see it on your device, you may be able to access the webpage by highlighting the url, pressing the comment button, and copying the text from the side panel. If all else fails, you can manually type it.)

The Stanley-Brown Safety Plan:


My Cherie Amour (Fully Posted)Where stories live. Discover now