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Si Lingluo lowered her eyes in shock, as if trying to discern the authenticity of this voice.

Shao Mang stood up slowly, pulled the person into his arms, and apologized: "I'm sorry, senior sister, I know you have been waiting for me." Shao Mang has been lying there for these days, his body is always

lukewarm, lifeless, and at this moment Suddenly embracing each other, one could feel the spiritual energy flowing quietly throughout her body, which was smooth and even, not as sharp as before.

The heavy emotions that weighed on her heart dissipated a lot, and Si Lingluo woke up suddenly and reached out to touch her back, "You must have been very hard these three months."

Shao Mang's back stiffened slightly and he hugged her tighter.

It was the same a hundred years ago. Everyone blamed her, everyone said she didn't do well enough, but Si Lingluo would say, 'You're working too hard.'

The senior sister was always worried about her suffering and never blamed her for anything. It was precisely because of the tolerant love of her senior sister that she was able to find her way back after getting lost in the massacre.

Shao Mang coaxed Si Lingluo to sleep next door, then opened another room to talk to Chu Hanying.

After learning everything that had happened in the past three months, Shaomang did not immediately make up his mind.

Chu Hanying didn't know what she meant, so he hesitated before asking: "Now everyone is determined to think that it was you who unleashed the torture. I can't explain it clearly. Those disciples in the cultivation world are also really fragile. They beat me for three months." , the number of abusers is increasing, and if they are at the end of their rope, they will all come to Yanci City... It is not impossible."

Shao Mang thought for a while, and said: "Whoever refined the abuser is the one who released it, Jing Wan Mu is forcing me."

Chu Hanying thought for a while and felt that there was no hope for the future: "We can't help get rid of the evil spirits, right?"

Shao Mang's face was still very pale and thin because he had just woken up. But for some reason, after she woke up this time, she became gentle and sharp, indescribably clear and calm. It seemed that she had some opportunities in the past three months.

Chu Hanying is still willing to follow her.

Shao Mang said: "It's natural to get rid of the evil spirits, and you have to pull the flag to get rid of them. Seeing that these immortal families can't tolerate me, I naturally can't tolerate them. It is feasible to work together to eliminate the evil spirits, but in the end, it will be a rabbit or a dog, and I will never give it to them. A chance to make a comeback."

Chu Hanying looked at her in surprise and said, "Are you humans so thoughtful?"

Shao Mang said, "It depends on who is right. Others are plotting against us, and we can't just sit back and wait for death."

Chu Hanying was silent for a moment, Said: "But have you ever thought about it, you will never be able to wash away the evil intrusion this time. Let me put it this way, if you want to leave a good name, the best way is to get rid of the evil without getting paid. Once it's over, Fuyi Go and hide in the world, otherwise this debt will be settled on you sooner or later. Although I am a demon clan, I also know that the world does not like the glorious savior." Shao

Mang smiled and said nothing.

She has something to do. If she cares too much about the mud along the way, the flowers at the end of the road will not bloom.

The Decadent Senior Sister Returns to the PeakOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant