"The cause is mine."

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Pinellia Novels
"The cause is mine."
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Previous chapter: She made her heart so excited.Next chapter: "The God of Creatures."
"The cause is mine."

The master and apprentice talked in the middle of the night.

This incident made Liao Bingqi understand what it means to regret too late.

She had never been treated well since she was a child, and her only will was used to resist those small favors. For example, when her father hated Liao Er, he turned around and slapped her. She became Liao Er's shield. The next day, his father Feeling that she was a young girl after all, she still had some use, so she came to apologize, and brought some Chencha which Liao Er didn't even bother to take a look at. She said that she was too heavy handed yesterday and asked her not to care about it. She spoke softly of tolerance. If you are considerate, you only express one meaning inside and outside the words. If you can give something to your brothers, it is as honored as being chosen by Nuwa to mend the sky.

But as soon as she turned around, she poured the old tea into her second brother's bucket.

She is not stupid. After a slap, she is given a disgusting candy. Does she care?

Maybe it's because most people who had similar experiences to her couldn't resist such small favors, so they were held hostage, and ended up dying miserably and miserably.

She believed herself to be absolutely and permanently sane.

And when the willpower is only used to resist one thing, it will be relaxed for other people and things.

That night, Jin Yu, as his master, only had a long talk with her.

She loved her master so much, respected and loved her so much that she was unprepared and told everything.

He tore apart his skin layer by layer, removed the flesh and blood, picked out the injured muscles and bones, and held them in front of Jin Yuzhi.

Let her see.

Before meeting her, she had suffered a lot, but now, she almost thought that those sorrows were from her previous life.

Such a long good life.

And when she complained, she must not have noticed Jin Yu's expression.

For Liao Bingqi, love means telling all the despicableness and lightness of oneself, showing sincerity. But this was not the case for Jin Yuzhi at all.

Jin Yu only faced a person who admired her personally and her ordinary appearance, and almost believed in her.

She made a decision and almost turned against Jin Fuxun.

There are many reasons for choosing to marry Liao Jingming.

Can protect Liao Bingqi;

cooperate with Liao Mansion.

She considers her decision to be a satisfactory one.

It not only fulfilled her wish, but also helped Luo Fengdao reach a higher level.

Luofeng Island is too far away from the center of cultivation, and nothing good can happen. It has been difficult to recruit students in the past two years. In a few years, there may be another immortal sect that will suddenly emerge and squeeze out the position of the four famous sects of Luofeng Island. , although now Luofengdao is also one of the four famous families.

There are few immortals stationed in Fushi City, but there are plenty of famous herbs and elixirs outside the city.

Since the Liao Mansion wanted to marry Fu Li's Xian family, he was also eager to join the famous Xian family. If she got married, wouldn't it be a way to get the best of both worlds?

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