You fight well

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You give

Si Lingluo a good blow. The back of her cold hand was covered by her.

Hot and cold touch each other, and the nine-day chill melts slightly, turning into dew falling between the trees, a thin coolness.

She pursed her lips slightly.

The hand holding the pill box loosened a little.

Shao Mang glanced at the male cultivators below and found that he didn't recognize any of them.

But this does not prevent her from seeking justice for her senior sister.

The leading male monk wearing a purple arrow-sleeved robe said: "Go back to get the spirit stone? Do you know how far away from here is Xumi Tower? You come and go again and miss my master's important things, can you bear it?" It turns out

? He is a disciple of Xumilou.

No wonder he is so arrogant and mean.

The Yunxiao Sect is usually very upright, but in recent years, many famous immortals have established their own houses in the mountains and begun to recruit disciples. In the past, it was difficult for the large sects that controlled the world to recruit students, especially the Yunxiao Sect, which had very strict enrollment requirements.

If he is dissatisfied and caught by the Great Immortal of the First Level, his reputation in the entire world of cultivation will inevitably be lost.

As a last resort, the leader could only turn a blind eye and allow those dandy boys who were lazy and lazy in the mortal world to join the Yunxiao Sect, and gave them a remote mountain top to fill up their numbers.

Unexpectedly, these dandies had just entered Yunxiao Immortal Mansion the day before, and on the second day they had recruited all the bricklayers and masons from their home, and built a "flowery" building on the top of a small hill. They also spent a lot of money to build that building. A name - Xumi.

And the person who paid a lot of money to help them name them was Shao Mang's master, Yu Wan.

Now that he knew the other party's details, Shao Mang was not going to beat around the bush and gave him the simplest solution: "Yu Jian, it takes less than a quarter of an hour to go back and forth."

The male cultivator became anxious.

The male cultivator next to him was also anxious. "Brother, she insulted us."

The male cultivator said with a pained expression, "I know."

Then he looked at Shao Mang with a stern look.

Shao Mang: "..."

Why did the word Yu Jian hit their sore spot?

Male repairers are fragile.

Si Lingluo took the initiative to explain: "The people in Xumilou don't know how to wield a sword."

Shao Mang was shocked.

It seems that she was really fooled by Mo Yun in the past and didn't even know this.

When the leading male cultivator heard this, he was stung again: "So what if you don't know how to wield a sword? How good are you, Yingmi Feng?"

Shao Mang: "Maybe. Fortunately, we can all wield swords."

The two men Xiu completely broke through the defense and drew his sword towards each other, "That's unreasonable! If our brothers and sisters don't take action, do you really think that there is no one in Xumi Tower? A fool Dan Xiu, a disgrace to the sect, can still get some benefits by letting others bully him, offended Elders, it will be easier for you! Today, I will take away the elixir without any payment, what can you do to me?"

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