orange tree

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Pinellia novel
orange tree
Turn on the light Small Medium Large
Previous Chapter: ApologyNext chapter: Homecoming

Song Wanxu also didn't expect that Yun Baoyuan had just scolded Yun Baoyuan for not focusing on the overall situation at a critical moment during the day, but Yun Baoyuan rushed back overnight.

The friendship between Nie Shenzhi and Yun Xining was not fake. As soon as Yun Baoyuan arrived at Jinfeng Palace, Nie Shenzhi took Song Wanxu to visit, intending to explain some tips for saving lives in the Xuanheng Sect.

Yun Baoyuan was beaten and scolded by Yun Xining. The eldest lady's tail was grabbed and cut. She was in a low mood, but very polite. "I was too willful, but it was really unintentional. I didn't mean to cause trouble at this time." Trouble."

She said so sincerely that Nie Shenzhi rarely looked at her seriously and looked at her for a long time.

It seemed that Yun Xining had taken care of him. He looked really pitiful.

Previously, Bao Yuan was arrogant and domineering to the point of being arrogant, but now he is like a little sheep swallowing his anger.

Nie Shenzhi couldn't help but think back to what happened in the Xuanheng Sect. Yun Xining was a few years older than her and started earlier than her. The senior sister had never been able to control her style. There were very few frictions when they got along, but Yun Xining had The scary thing is that she has a strong desire to control and can train others. After staying with her for a long time, she will inexplicably work hard in the direction she wants.

Anyway, Yun Xining can always train people to be obedient. I think he was persuaded by Yun Xining to leave the clan at that time, otherwise Nie Shenzhi would still be Jing Wanmu's apprentice to this day.

However, Nie Shenzhi did not regret this matter. Although establishing his own school was restricted, it was better than being driven to do those things by Jing Wanmu in the Xuanheng Sect.

Nie Shenzhi couldn't help but think again, although Yun Xining's behavior made Bao Yuan restrained, it also made Bao Yuan's spiritual energy a little weaker. Is this really good?

Most of the female fairies of their generation are burdened with responsibilities and have no control over everything. Bao Yuan is the most carefree and happy among the younger generation, but if Yun Xining continues to teach her like this, Bao Yuan will be like them sooner or later.

People are really different. She wanted Si Lingluo to be more willful and stop abiding by unnecessary etiquette, but Si Lingluo never listened.

She sighed slightly and returned to the topic: "Baoyuan, it doesn't matter. You are still young, so you should be more wanton. You don't have to manage a sect like Xi Ning, so why bother to listen to the rules she set?"

Yun said . Baoyuan tilted his head and looked at her, but didn't say anything.

It was difficult for her to listen to two truths at the same time. Now that she had listened to Yun Xining's words, she could no longer understand the opposite truth.

These older people speak in contradictions. A black face comes to lecture, and a red face comes to speak softly. What's the point?

Just because of those bullshit principles?

Jin Yu was killed by these bullshit principles.

So is Jing Yeyu.

She felt extremely sleepy for a while and said: "Sister didn't say anything, she just told me to behave myself in Xuanhengzong. In addition, I should pay more attention to sister Lingluo. Xuanhengzong treated her..." Upon hearing

The Decadent Senior Sister Returns to the PeakTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon