«26» a dark cloud

Start from the beginning

“Are there signs or symptoms I should monitor closely?”

“My team and I will monitor her closely, she is in good hands, trust me.”

“I just... I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can for her.”

“I understand that this is a difficult time for your family, Yaseerah. But you have nothing to worry about, your mother is in good hands. We are a team, and we will navigate this together. If you have further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.”

“Is there a chance Mamu could come back home eventually, or is she destined to stay in the hospital?” Yaseerah queried, rolling her bottom lip against her teeth, to stop it from wobbling further.

“I understand the importance of being at home, and surrounded by familiar surroundings. But the possibility depends on her response to treatment, and her overall condition. Ideally, we aim to make her as comfortable as possible here, so, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Thank you.”

When Yaseerah left Dr. Seda’s office, she headed to the reception and picked up the bills, before she headed back to Mamu’s room.

Relieved to find her sleeping, she turned towards her brother, biting her lips, as she sought to find a semblance of control for what was uncontrollable. “I just spoke to Dr. Seda, and she assured me that everything will go smoothly. All we have to do is focus on praying and ensuring that we make her as comfortable as possible.

“We need to make sure she has the right meals, coordinate with the nurses, and—”

“Just stop!” Bilal’s voice cut through the air, the intensity of it startling Yaseerah into stunned silence.

Yaseerah’s eyes were wide, her mouth even wider, as she struggled to comprehend his outburst. “B? Wh-What’s the problem?”

“You’re the problem!” he hissed, his words sharp and accusing, as he glared at her, before he grabbed her by the arm a little roughly and pulled her out of the room.

Stunned, Yaseerah trailed behind him, her steps hesitant, a whirlwind of confusion clouding her thoughts, as she struggled to comprehend where his sudden animosity came from.

Before she could question him, Bilal’s eyes bore into hers, his voice laden with frustration. “You don’t get to just waltz in here and try to dictate everything. This isn’t about you, this is about Mamu.”

Confused, Yaseerah managed to ask, “I never said that it was about me. All I’m trying to do is make sure that Mamu—

“You’re trying to absolve yourself of the guilt that you feel. This is not the time to have a savior complex, Yaseerah! Mamu is sick! She’s not going to get better!”

Yaseerah’s eyes widened, her heart racing unbelievably fast, as Bilal’s words hit her like a tidal wave. “Bilal! How can you say that? I don’t have any savior complex and—”

“I know that you ran away.”

Shock rippled through her, the need to defend herself surging within her. But knowing that it was Bilal who stood before her, not someone else seeking to find her fault, she swallowed the retort that hovered on her lips and, with a mix of confusion and vulnerability, asked, “How did you find out?”

Bilal’s gaze were two pools of animosity and frustration as he grated out his next words. “Your father was here, he used it as an opportunity to belittle us, belittle Mamu, Yaseerah. He took pleasure in flaunting his ‘generosity’ towards us. And as punishment, he pulled away his support from Mamu’s medications.”

Yaseerah’s fists clenched involuntarily, guilt simmering beneath the surface, as she processed his words. “I’m so sorry B, I didn’t think—”

“Exactly!” he snapped back, cutting her off. “You didn’t think. You decided to run away, consequences be damned! Consequences that not only affect you, but my mother as well.”

“She is my mother too and—”

“No!” he cut off her tirade, his chest heaving as he glared at her. “She is my mother.”

“Bilal?” Tears blurred Yaseerah’s vision, as she stared at the stranger before her, a mix of disbelief and hurt etched across her features, her mind racing to process the pain and betrayal.

Nothing her father had ever said or done hurt her as much as Bilal’s words did in this moment when he emphasized the fact that Mamu was his mother and not hers.

“Nadia was right, you really are a selfish little—”

The resounding crack of her palm making contact with his cheek cut off his words, and for the next couple of seconds, the duo stared at each other, Yaseerah in shock and horror, Bilal with an unreadable expression.

“Bilal, I’m sorry, I didn’t—” she swallowed, as she tried to hold him, her eyes pleading for his understanding.

Flexing his jaw, Bilal shook his head, as he stared at her. “Like father like daughter.”

The sound of a door closing had Yaseerah’s head snapping up reflexively. Her gaze found Mamu’s through the window. And when she turned away, her back facing Yaseerah, Yaseerah knew that no amount of apology would fix what she had broken.


Okay, that’s that

See you next time,

Xoxo, Jidderh ❤️

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