33. A chill evening

Start from the beginning

He grabbed one of the books, which was half his size, but it wasn't too heavy surprisingly.

He skimmed it, but it was only words, so, no idea what it was about, but the next book had some more interesting things.

It was a picture book, showing mostly Tonuk and Ri, but it also had Tegnuk sometimes, the Turos and the building they were at while it was being built.

He didn't notice that Ri had gone next to him and quickly, but carefully, took away the book, putting it away in the box along with the other books and putting more boxes on top to finish cleaning.

Quickly after this, he was nudged out of the room and then into the cage once again.

He was taken to Tonuk's home, although he didn't see too much as there was a lot of snow falling, covering the windows on the cage.

Eventually, he felt that he was placed down and he was let out, seeing that Tonuk was shaking off a massive amount of snow off of its legs.

While he walked away to look for paper, as he planned, he was thankful that the new jumpsuit was working pretty well, though it was still cold, but not unbearable.

Before he could reach the office, which he saw was closed, Tonuk got there, after this he heard the TV start up and Ri talking.

He got closer and saw that a new channel was on, this time it was a cooking one, showing how to prepare some plants to eat.

He sat on the couch, which was now left alone while the two aliens went to do something else.

He quickly noticed that the host had very prominent dark lines on top of its fur, but besides that, the kitchen seemed very rustic, like, something you'dexpect to see in the 90's.

He watched as the cook prepared three plates, a red, creamy soup with a ton of leaves chopped up in it, then another plate that looked simple, just a salad with some dressing on top and oil, lastly, a plate that looked like just pitch black.

He wasn't able to figure out what it was, but it looked like crude oil, litterally like petroleum on a plate.

It was weird, but the show ended shortly after that, leaving him confused as to why that was being eaten, and as to what that actually was.

After this, a shot of a fire came up on the screen while a voice started speaking for a while.

He waited for the shot to change, but it didn't, and it seemed to be either someone reading a book or something like a podcast, or so he assumed.

He considered leaving but before he could, both of the aliens sat on the couch and smushed him once again.

He wanted to leave but eventually accepted his fate, and now annoyed, he continued watching Tv.

Thankfully, the aliens switched the channel to something else, though it didn't seem like they were paying attention and were just chatting.

It was now a video of someone from Ri's  species using what looked to be a large metal ball, on their hands, while they were doing a handstand.

The aliens then proceeded to move around, sometimes falling down, but the low gravity let it catch itself, though sometimes it seemed to be on purpose as it was showing off different tricks.

It was interesting seeing this and he fell asleep watching as the alien was doing a full planche (a planche where you hold yourself with only your hands, with extended arms)


He woke up in Tonuk's bed, and even though it was warm, he was hungry, so he went to get some breakfast, noting that he should focus on eating more consistently.

He searched around for Tonuk, but after a while of searching he realized he could just call for him with its name.

He proceeded to repeat its name until it appeared from its office, looking surprised, which he expected, but right then he was hungry.

He continued calling for Tonuk, leading it to the kitchen, where he was given some meat, a red, potato looking vegetable and some of that weird pudding from before.

He wanted to eat, but Tonuk was staring at him, which made him fairly uncomfortable, so he tried to lead it out of the kitchen, walking out, calling its name, and walking back inside.

Tonuk walked back in, which annoyed him a bit, but at least he managed to take a couple bites.

Tonuk then walked back out of the room and then said "Toru", the new name they had given him, which he ignored.

He tried to eat some more, but Tonuk continued calling for him for a while, which got annoying, even if he couldn't hear it very well due to its low pitch.

Eventually he gave up and walked to Tonuk just to tell it to quiet down and then went back in to finish eating.

After he was done, Tonuk called for him again and he decided to just stay in the kitchen doing nothing for the sake of ignoring the new name.

Finally, Tonuk gave up and went somewhere else, letting him get out of the kitchen and look for something else to do.

He remembered that he wanted to look for paper, and so, he went into the office to see if he could get some, seeing that Tonuk left it open.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now