Chapter 9 - When lies unveil their clandestine dance in the light

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Like the sun's embrace in the depths of night,

Truth emerges, banishing shadows from sight.

Magnus - 12 years earlier

About three months ago, Magnus commenced his new training regime, aspiring to join a team assigned missions beyond the safety zone. His intention wasn't to actively engage in combat; rather, he aimed to serve as a medic, ready to save lives and provide critical medical assistance. However, to fulfill this role effectively, he needed to undergo basic training in close combat, weaponry, and other life-saving skills. This was crucial for his ability to protect himself and others in potentially perilous situations.

On this particular morning, Magnus was out with Alec, traversing the deserted streets of the city on their quads. They were scouting for traces of wild animals or forsaken. Since the planned protective fence had not been fully erected yet, teams like theirs were sent out daily to vigilantly monitor for any signs of unusual activity.

It was a sunny summer day with only a few clouds dotting the sky, and Magnus relished the opportunity to escape the confined quarters of the bunker for an hour or two.

"We'll turn into the next street up ahead and follow the main road to the fence," Alec instructed, signaling the direction with his hand.

"Understood," Magnus replied, his tone carrying a deeper, almost gravelly quality as he added, "Lieutenant."

The response was a soft gasp and then a chuckle, and Magnus grinned with satisfaction.

The houses lining the main road were completely overgrown by the black chain plant, with little remaining of their front facades, if they were still standing at all. Magnus glanced at his display. The air contamination was particularly high in this area.

It took only a few minutes to reach the section of the fence that had already been completed. Following the three-meter-high protective barrier, they inspected it for damage. As they neared the end, directly adjacent to a sturdy house wall, Alec abruptly stopped and signalled to Magnus that the fence had been breached. Shit.

Magnus hit the brakes, bringing his quad to a halt beside Alec's. They dismounted from their vehicles and scrutinized the damage more closely. The breach was sizable enough for a forsaken to squeeze through, and the damage suggested that a larger force had been at work—something with enough strength to bend the metal struts inward.

"Magnus, notify Ops. I'll search the immediate vicinity for any additional traces," Alec directed.


Magnus pressed a button on his helmet, immediately hearing the faint crackling of the existing radio connection.

"Bane to Ops," he spoke into the microphone in his helmet.

"Ops is listening," Andrew's voice replied through his earpiece.

"We've identified a breach in the fence."

"Damn," the security chief cursed. "Any idea what caused it?"

"No, Alec is currently scouting for more evidence. It was something big. At least a wolf, or perhaps even a bear." Or a forsaken, he added silently. There was no need to voice it; Andrew understood that the breach might have been caused by one of the lost creatures.

"Alright, keep me posted on your findings, and be extra careful."

"We will."

Magnus ended the radio connection and turned to Alec. As Alec approached, Magnus could tell from his posture that Alec hadn't found anything further.

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