Chapter 50*

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CW: Sexual content

"Really? You just can't help yourself, can you?"

Rosie's eyes fluttered open to see her older sister standing in front of her, hands on her hips and staring at her and Sebastian wrapped up in each other's arms on the couch.

"Oh, piss off..." Rosie mumbled, lifting the still sleeping arm of Sebastian off her waist.

He gently began to stir and raised a sleepy eyebrow at Isabelle when he noticed she was throwing quite the dirty look towards them.

So Sebastian threw her quite a large smirk back.

He knew he wasn't doing himself any favours acting that way towards Isabelle, but he had to admit he liked the thrill, the idea that she hated him so much for convincing her sister he wasn't bad and managing to end up in a relationship with Rosie. He relished in it.

Isabelle let out a scoff and rolled her eyes as she gathered up her belongings, waiting for Rosie and Sebastian to get themselves ready to leave.

Sebastian dressed in a simple plain white shirt and slacks, pulling on his regular brown and worn boots before shoving the last of his belongings into his small, enchanted satchel.

He sighed as he slung it over his shoulder, realising his entire life was held inside that bag. Every photograph, every memento, every piece of his past was tucked away and being shifted to a new era.

"You alright?" Rosie asked as she pulled on her boots, hiding them beneath a plain, long dress but choosing to leave all the extras including her usual petticoat and corset behind considering she wouldn't need them anymore.

"Yeah. I'm good. A little nervous, but I suppose that's to be expected." Sebastian said with a soft smile.

"Okay. You can change your mind." She reminded him, pressing a soft kiss to his mouth.

But Sebastian shook his head and squeezed her hand, reassuring her that he was fine and ready.

For the last time, Sebastian left the cottage. The home he and Anne had shared for years with many memories, shockingly not all of them sad, held within its' confines.

But he couldn't cry and he couldn't dwell on it, otherwise he was afraid he'd actually change his mind.

He guided Rosie out first and closed the door behind himself, taking a deep breath and forcing a smile towards the two sisters to not let them know just how shit scared he was.

"We'll go to London where I know where we are going." Isabelle told them.

She side-apparated with them both, begrudgingly grabbing onto his sleeve and Sebastian swore he felt a light push from her as they went, probably hoping he'd be splinched, just a little. But to Isabelle's disappointment, Sebastian made it unscathed.

"Alright. We'll use my turner, yeah?" Isabelle said, taking the identical necklace to Rosie's from around her neck and pulling Sebastian and Rosie under it, all three of them breathing down each others throats as the necklace forced them together.

"Last chance, Sallow. You can still back out." Isabelle reminded him as she began the tedious process of turning the hourglass in her time turner.

Sebastian simply shook his head and grabbed Rosie's hand hard, so much so that she let out a hiss and smacked him on the arm.

He released his grip a little and Isabelle smirked and continued turning the hourglass. As the sands within it began to shift and swirl, a strange sensation enveloped Sebastian. It felt like being pulled through a tight tunnel, the world distorting and rushing around them quickly. Colours blended together and a horrendous sound filled Sebastian's ears. It was time. Passing quickly.

Tempest // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now