Chapter 1

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Hello my readers! I have not posted in a long time, but somehow we have reached the 10,000's already! I am very thankful for all of your support on my other story, though I may put that one on hold for now because I have a lot of things happening this February. For example, I only have about 8 practices left until I perform my play in front of the entire middle and elementary school, my mom and I are going to NY, and then there's the entire Valentine's Day thing. Also, I think I have IOWA tests this month, but idk...

Anyways, I'm gonna see how much of this I can write considering that it is currently 2:33 A.M. on a Sunday and I have school stuff I need to do.

Word count:1541
{Percy P.O.V.}

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. It may seem cool and all to mortals that my dad is Poseidon, a literal Greek God, but honestly, sometimes I wish that he wasn't. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate my dad or anything, no, not at all! The thing is, since he is my dad, my life is a lot harder than that of your average demi-god. Poseidon is one of the "Big Three", which are not supposed to have children, by the way, which means that trouble seems to find me everywhere I go. Take my last day at Yancy Academy, for example. The day that I used a ballpoint pen-sword to turn my algebra teacher to dust.


"We've been walking around for hours now Grover! How are your legs not dead?"

"Percy, it's been 20 minutes. We're about to eat lunch anyways, so we're gonna be able to sit down soon," Grover told me, adjusting his hat and pulling it farther down on his head.

"Uggghhhh, it's like you're part goat or something! How do your legs never get sore?"

"They just don't."

Just then, I hear Mr. Brunner call out for all of the students of Yancy Academy to meet up by the fountain to eat.

"See? I told you we were going to eat soon."

I just roll my eyes and start making my way over to said fountain, Grover scurrying to catch up to me. This field trip is probably one of the most boring I've ever been on. Most of my past teachers said that I have the attention span of a goldfish, which is most definitely not true. It's just that all the things they talk about are boring. Anyway, once Grover and I get to the fountain, Mr. Brunner started handing out brown paper bags, which most likely had whatever they had decided to give us for lunch.

"Percy, may I talk to you for a moment?"

"Uhm, sure Mr. Brunner. What is it?"

"I have a gift for you," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out one of those ballpoint pens that nobody ever uses and handing it to me.

"Thank you? Why did you give me a pen?"

"It's a special pen, Percy. You'll need it soon, I believe."


I took the pen and slipped it into my pocket. Grover and I both finally got our lunches, and we went to find somewhere to sit down. We ended up sitting on the other side of the fountain, which was somewhat out of the way of everybody else. We sat down, but just as we were starting to eat our sandwiches, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich came out of nowhere and hit Grover on the head.


"Who threw that?"

Suddenly, I hear laughter coming from a table close to us.

"Oops, sorry, my hand slipped!" Nancy, the girl who has been picking on us for a while now, yells while standing up and walking over to us.

"What the heck Nancy? Why would you throw a perfectly good sandwich at someone?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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