"But doctor! There's a lot in her life...she used to get nightmares of her husband leaving her alone... And yeah because of a mistake her husband and she got into a big fight and... they aren't staying together..." Ricky explained.

The doctor raised an eyebrow, obviously surprised by the revelation.

"Well, that certainly complicates matters. I'll keep that in mind when we discuss her case with the psychiatrist.

In the meantime, do what you can to help her remember. It might take some time, but I'm sure she'll eventually come around."

The doctor paused, then added, "Oh, and Ricky? If it's alright with you, I'd like to speak with you privately about something else. Would that be possible?"

Ricky nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety.

He agreed to talk to the doctor privately, hoping it would help him better understand the situation. As they stepped out of the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.

The doctor led him to a small conference room, where they sat down at a table.

"Now, Ricky," the doctor began, "I understand that you've been taking care of Yn since before she was admitted here. You've been spending a lot of time with her, haven't you?"

Ricky nodded, his expression a mix of determination and worry. "Yes, doctor. I've been by her side every single day.
I... I care about her a lot. She's been through so much, and I just want her to be happy again." He took a deep breath, "I've tried to be there for her, you know?"

The doctor studied Ricky's face for a moment, then reached across the table to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's natural for you to feel this way, Ricky. You've been through a lot together, and you've built up a deep connection.
It's only natural for you to feel this way."

The doctor nodded understandingly.
"I appreciate your dedication, Ricky. You've been an incredible support system for Yn. But it's also important to remember that, She'll need time to process everything that's happened to her, and to make sense of her feelings.
In the meantime, just continue to be there for her, and let her know that you're there whenever she needs you.

But remember...she is married as you said...she is not staying with her husband because of a fight...so eventually she still need to go back to her husband someday " the doctor finished.

Ricky's heart sank at the mention of her husband. He knew the doctor was right, but he couldn't help but feel a stab of pain. "I understand, doctor. I'll do whatever I can to support her, all i want just her to be happy."

The doctor nodded with a smile and patted his shoulder.


The next day, Ricky's parents arrived at the hospital with a big bouquet of flowers for Yn. They're relieved to see her looking a little more like herself. As they entered her room, they were surprised to find Ricky feeding her.

"Ricky, we didn't expect you to be so caring," Ricky's mother said tears in her eyes. "We're so glad to see you looking after her."

"Good morning Sweetheart " Ricky's father greeted Yn warmly as he placed a gentle kiss on top of her head. "Good morning mister"

Yn murmured very politely, her eyes fluttering open. "Ricky!!! Who is this uncle and aunty?????" She whispered , confused. Ricky chuckled warmly . "Oh Yn, they're my parents. They've come to see you every day ever since you are here"

Ricky's mother smiled and sat down next to the bed. "We are like your own parents Sweetheart"

Ricky's father took Yn's hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Well, sweetheart we are really happy that you are recovering well....and yes Ricky is always here for you!"

Yn gave Ricky a cute evil expression. "Yaa ha ha!!! Finally I got to know your name Prince guy!!!!!"

Everyone laughs at Yn's comment, finding it quite cute. Ricky blushes slightly and shrugs. "Well, I'm just your knight." He winks at her playfully.

"Thank you so much Uncle and Aunty for everything " yn said with a sweet smile. "But... I'm still curious about something..." She trailed off, her gaze shifting to Ricky. "How did you know about me? "

Everyone exchanged glances, amused by her curiosity. Ricky chuckled softly, reaching out to take her hand.

"Well, it all started a few months ago. We met in a party in our university" Ricky explained, his voice filled with fond memories. "You were drunk..." He trails off.

Yn making cute face while trying to recall the memories but couldn't. "And you were looking gorgeous" Ricky teased her.

"Aaagghh my head hurts!!! I can't remember anything!" Yn protested holding her head .

"Ssh shh shh! You don't need to force yourself " relax! Breathe!" Ricky said softly, patting her hand reassuringly. "We can talk about it later! I'm not going anywhere so we can talk whenever we want okay?"

Yn looked at Ricky and nodded , feeling reassured by his presence. She smiled weakly.

"Sweetheart you should rest! We'll be heading off now! Ricky is here for you okay? We'll come tomorrow again!" Ricky's mother said, giving Ricky a knowing smile.

Yn smiled weakly at them.

After they left Ricky made yn lay down on the bed for rest...

[Okay... here's the third update for today 😌.

If you guys keep inspiring me and encouraging me I'll update more and more! 🫶🏻]

I Don't Understand But I Luv U - Kim Mingyu FF 💎Where stories live. Discover now