Chapter 3: Trouble in the Power Station

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Overgrown Urban Surface

Shortly after they gained a new member of Counters, an enthusiastic Elysion Nikke named Neon, the teams went out of the elevator and found themselves in an old urban area - that had now been overrun by nature since the Rapture Invasion.

Neon: Wow~! So this is the surface?

For an enthusiastic Nikke who serves as a "spy" for Ingrid, she can't contain her curiosity as she marvels at the sight of the surface. Anis notice the obvious from her new teammate's mood.

Anis: First time?

Neon: Roger. *smiles* It's so... big! The sky isn't buzzing! It's nothing I've ever seen before! The sky isn't buzzing! It's like nothing I've ever seen before! The air composition, but somehow it just feels different.

Anis: It'll wear off in a day or two.

Scott: Welcome to the surface, Neon.

Scott smiled at Neon's enthusiasm. Nothing wrong with that since it's Neon's first mission as an official member of Counters, and her first time witnessing the Earth's surface and its environments.

Scott: *frowns* But this isn't time for sightseeing. You know what I mean.

Anis agrees with her second-in-command when they gaze at Miguel and Rapi - who are surveying the area, seeing if any Raptures are crawling around.

Miguel: Anything?

Rapi: *shook* No sign of Raptures, so far.

Miguel: That's good, for now. All right, teams! Stay cautious. I know it's Neon's first mission with us, but we can't lax just yet. We're bound to run into Raptures in less than an hour.

Shifty soon contacts them through the radio as their support.

Shifty: Yes. You must act quickly. The objective of this operation is to investigate the control room of the power station.

Miguel: Shifty, scan the area.

Shifty: On it. Scanning... Aerating. Clearing out Alva Particles. Concentration 42.23%...21.48%...2.12%...

Shifty performs a scan throughout the area, the concentration of Alva Particles, and tries to find a better route that'll lead them to the power station in this dangerous environment.

Shifty: Okay, scanning complete.

Miguel: Status...?

Shifty: According to the scan, you'll have to follow the maglev train tracks to reach the power station. A high-voltage current is running through the entire line.

Miguel: Hmm... Sounds like the work of Raptures.

Shifty: It's best to assume so. It's not an issue for the Nikkes but for you and Commander Scott...

Shifty gave the Commanders grave news when Miguel had an idea what she was saying, while Scott made a hard gulp when his head was of beads of sweat.

Scott: Oh shit... in short...?

Miguel: Don't turn extra crispy. Got it, Shifty. We'll be careful.

Anis: *waves off* Bah, it's no big deal. Just don't touch anything you or Commander Scott shouldn't and you'll be fine.

Scott: *sheepish* Thanks for the advice...

Rapi: Where's the current coming from?

Shifty: Retrieving history.

Shifty checked the database for answers, seeing if there was any useful info regarding this city right until she found it.

Shifty: The city was closed 5 years ago to prevent any Raptures from escaping. Seems it was deliberately leaked to the outside. The line was close to completion, so it has been generating energy autonomously.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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