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School ended and Hatt and Asia made their way back to their home in the woods all while being followed by two beings who by the order of their master, were told to do so and find out more about Asia and her relationship with her accomplice.

Hatt: Hmm...

Hatt like before knew they were being followed and wondered if it were Rias and her group again or perhaps more fallen angels.

Asia: Is everything okay Hatt?

Hatt: Yup, just thinking about things. By the way, how'd things goes with your friends in the clubroom?

Asia: Oh they were okay...until Issei got hurt by...

Hatt gave her a questionable look wondering who hurt Issei as Asia continued.

Asia: There was another devil that appeared, his name was Riser, and apparently he's Rias' fiance.

Hatt: Oh? And why did he hurt Issei?

Asia: Well he was being very disrespectful to Rias and Issei tried to defend her which led to a fight.

Hatt: Hmm, seems like not a very nice guy.

Hatt could still feel the followers tailing them all the way until they reached their house. They went inside and Hatt took a peak out the window but couldn't see anything.

He assumed it may just be Rias and wasn't too concerned and went to cooking him and Asia dinner.

Meanwhile just outside the wooden home, two of Riser's peerage members, two females named Isabela and Xuelan, were observing the lone home that housed their target.

Xuelan: So, what's our move?

Isabela: Easy, lure the human boy out then go in and take the girl.

They both nodded and began to initiate their plan.

Inside the house Hatt was stirring a pot of soup while Asia was chopping some vegetables when a loud boom was heard, catching both of their attention.

Asia: W-What was that?!

Hatt moved to the window again and peered to see what looked to be an explosion in the distance.

Hatt: Stay here.

Hatt grabbed his sword and exited the front door to investigate the event leaving Asia alone.

Suddenly she heard a noise behind and spun around only to see nothing.

Asia: H-Hello?

There was no response and Asia though she was alone when suddenly a strong pair of arms wrapped around her head and the next she saw was darkness.

Outside with Hatt, he ventured around where the explosion had occurred but found nothing besides a small crater that was left behind by it.

Hatt: Huh...

Eventually after a little more investigating he decided to return to his house and check up on Asia, however, when he reentered the home, found that she was nowhere to be found.

Hatt: Asia!

He searched frantically and even checked back outside to see if perhaps she followed him out but still found nothing and began to panic.

Hatt: No...

He had no doubt it had been the person who had been following them but now felt no one around.

Hatt: Dammit!

He knew it was possible that Rias had taken her but if so, why? It was clear they were on good terms and even friends.

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