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Hatt awoken to the sounds of bird chirping and got out of bed quickly.

Hatt: I'm hungry, lets go find some breakfast in that village I appeared in.

Hatt gathered some items and left out his house, heading towards the town that he had first appeared in and fought the fallen angel mob.

It didn't take long as he hadn't made his home that far from it and this time he saw people who weren't just some normal villagers but actual people.

As he walked around he got some weird looks at he was quite dirty from building his house in the woods but ignored them as he was much more interested in exploring the place. He eventually passed by the park where he had his first fight with the fallen angel mob. Something that caught his interest was that the park had been restored as if nothing had happened.

Hatt: They sure do rebuild fast...

He kept walking and saw things such as some restaurants, which he got some food at, an old abandoned church, and eventually he came to a larger campus that looked like a school due to the many teens that were walking outside in uniforms.

Hutt: Hmm...

He was almost the same age of most of the students there and wondered if he could get in and learn more about this place. Plus, high school's are where most adventures start. So he entered through the gates of the campus and was instantly a point of interest among the students.

Random Student: Who's that?

Random Student: And why is he so dirty?

He entered what looked to be the main building of the three building campus and look around while receiving more stares and whispers.

Random Student: Hey he's kind of cute.

Random Student: Yeah, but he needs a good shower.

Eventually he was noticed by one of the student council members.

Saji: Hey!

Hatt turned and saw the blonde haired boy approaching him.

Saji: Why are you not only not wearing your uniform, but filthy walking around the school. Wait, I don't even recognize you, do you even go here.

A lot of people were starring to the point where Hatt eventually was uncomfortable and wanted to get out of this and get his business done.

Hatt: Yeah, I want to enroll here.

The boy got a bit confused then smirked while snorting.

Saji: Heh, alright Mr. hobo, I'm part of the student council, names Saji, follow me to headmaster's office and we'll see if you get in.

Hatt only smiled as now he would be shown where he had to go. Saji led him upstairs and down the hallway until they reached two doors that he slid open and allowed Hatt to enter and meet the headmaster of the school.

Headmaster: Ah Saji, what brings you here, and who is this?

Saji: This guy here wants to enroll in this precious school

The headmaster stared at Hatt before motion him to sit down. Hatt went to sit as Saji gave one last giggle before leaving the room.

Headmaster: So um...What make you want to enroll in this school Mr...

Hatt: Hatt, Hatt Stonecutter.

Headmaster: Mr. Stonecutter?

Hatt: I'm new in town and need a place to finish my education.

It technically wasn't a lie as he was new to the area and hadn't had much education in the world of Minecraft.

Headmaster: Okay, you do know that is an very prestigious academy and a private school at that?

Hatt simply nodded as the headmaster continued.

Headmaster: You must take a test to enter as well as a price.

Hatt heard the word price and got an idea.

Headmaster: And since you are enrolling half way through the year there may be a waiting period-

A pile of gold ingots landed in front of the headmaster on his desk, causing him to freeze solid with his eye glued to the material in front of him.

Hatt:...Can I get in tomorrow please.

The headmaster stayed frozen for five minutes before his hand moved to opened a drawer without taking his eyes off the gold and taking out an enrollment form and handing it out to Hatt who smiled and took it. The headmaster didn't move while Hatt filled it out and put it back in his hand.

Hatt: Do you have a uniform for me?

The headmaster's hand pointed to a closet in the room, all while he still  didn't take his eyes off the gold. Hatt went over and opened the closet where there was a row of uniforms, all different sizes. He found a size that best fit him and walked back to the headmaster's desk.

Hatt: Thanks, see you tomorrow!

He left the headmaster's while the headmaster stayed frozen still looking at the gold. As he made his way back to the entrance he heard a commotion and looked at it's source and noticed a group of students making way for two girls.

Students: Kyaaa! Rias sama! Akeno sama!

One girl had crimson red hair with matching color eyes and the other had black hair tied in a ponytail with purple colored eyes. Both were extremely pretty and walked with pride. When the two girls come near Hatt, who kept a neutral look unlike those around him, Rias glances at him.

Rias: Akeno, who is he?

Akeno glanced at the person in question.

Akeno: I don't know, perhaps a new student.

Rias: Hmm...

Rias could feel something off about this new boy, not an aura feeling, more like a gut feeling.

Eventually the two walked away from Hatt and he continued his way out of the school. After leaving the premises he explored the town a little more before making his way back to his home in the woods.

Hatt: I am a mess. I should probably wash off.

Hatt removed any items he had as well as his clothes and went to a nearby pond and washed himself off. After that he went back to his home and went inside. He placed some items he had gotten from within the town such as food, water, milk, clothes, and other items, on a table and began making something to eat. His meal was basically some bread with a glass of milk but at least it was healthy and would make his hunger be settled for a bit. He finally took a rest on a chair he had made and thought about whats to come.

Hatt: I hope I find interesting things in this new world...

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