First Day

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The next day came around and Hatt, donning his new school uniform, eagerly walked to his new school that he had bribed his way to get in. He came upon the gates and join the many teens that were entering. He entered the second building this time as that was were the upperclassmen were but then remembered one thing.

Hatt: Crap I didn't even get my classroom or schedule from the headmaster!

So he made his way out of the second building and to the main building, following the path he took with Saji to get to the headmaster's office. Upon entering it, he noticed a different person in the seat of the headmaster's.

New Headmaster: Oh hello there, may I help you?

Hatt: Hey wasn't there a different person here yesterday?

New Headmaster: Oh the previous headmaster quit after  he announced over the intercom "Fuck this school and all the little shits here!"

Hatt: Oh umm....okay. Anyway, I'm a new student here and haven't yet received my class or my schedule.

New Headmaster: Ah no problem, what is your name?

Hatt: Hatt Stonecutter.

The headmaster dug through a drawer and brought out Hatt's class and schedule before giving it him.

New Headmaster: Hope you enjoy the school!

Hatt nodded and thanked them before making his way to the location of his classroom. He arrived and saw many students there, some looked at him upon his entry.

Random Student: Hey isn't that the strange guy from yesterday?

Random Student: Yeah it is, only he's much cleaner now.

Random Student: Yeah, now he looks pretty hot, almost as hot as Kiba!

The teacher came in and noticed Hatt.

Teacher: Ah, you must be the new transfer student, just wait there until everyone else is here and I'll introduce you to the class.

Hatt did as he was told and eventually the rest of the class arrived and all had taken their seats while Hatt stood in the front of the room.

Teacher: We have a new student today. Everyone, this is...

The teacher couldn't remember his name as the news of his arrival was last minute. The teacher motioned for Hatt to finished his introduction.

Hatt: Hatt Stonecutter.

Teacher: Hatt Stonecutter!

A few students giggled at his name which didn't surprise Hatt as it was a bit odd.

Teacher: You could sit in the seat next to Mr. Hyoudou, Hyoudou!

Hatt followed the teacher's gaze to a boy in the back who was reading a lude magazine and hadn't even been paying attention to the introduction. The same could be said for two other boys.

Teacher: HYOUDOU!

This caused said boy to jump upon being yelled at and catches his attention.

Issei: Y-Yes teach?

Teacher: Stop reading those disgusting magazines in my class, you too Matsuda and Motohama!

The three boys nodded and put away their magazines before the teacher told Hatt he could take a seat. Hatt walked over and sat down next to Issei who didn't say a word to him and went back to reading his magazine, only this time being sneaky about it and hiding it under his desk.

Hatt signed as this would be the guy he sat next to the whole year.

Lunch came around and after eating, Hatt took the opportunity to explore the campus more and learn more of the area. He eventually ran into the same boy who happen to be on the student council.

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