Waking Up Safe

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Asia slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a room that had wooden walls and a window that allowed the morning sunshine come through and light up the room.

Asia: Where am I?

She remembered what had happened the night before and that her sacred gear had been removed which meant she would have died.

Asia: Is this...heaven?

She then picked up on the nice smell of what seem to be breakfast.

Asia: Mmm...

She slowly got out bed and noticed she was in different and cleaner clothes as well as seemingly healed from any of the injuries she had sustained in her torture which made her shudder at the mere thought of it. She made her way out of the room and followed a short hallway in the direction that the smell was coming from. The young girl eventually came to a kitchen that instead of usual stove, had what look to be furnaces that were run by coal. And in front of them, cooking eggs and steak, was a boy.

Asia: Um...hello?

The man turned around revealing a handsome man about her age and wearing an apron.

Hatt: Oh hey, your awake.

The man sounded nice and friendly so Asia wasn't too scared but still did question how she got there and who he was.

Asia: Umm, who are you?

Hatt: I'm Hatt, Hatt Stonecutter.

Asia: Oh uh, how did I get here?

Hatt smiled before responding to her question.

Hatt: I saved you from the church, and healed your injuries.

Asia slightly gasped. So she did almost die from the fallen angels and this man in front of her saved her life. But how and why?

Asia: Are you angel?

Hatt: No I'm just a human.

Asia was a bit surprised that a normal human manged to save her from the church and thought he had to of had some sort of sacred gear.

Asia: Oh well, thank you!

Asia blushed slightly before Hatt finished making breakfast and offered her a plate.

Hatt: Here, your probably hungry.

Asia was indeed very hungry as she hadn't eaten in almost a whole day and gladly accepted the plate of food.

It had been a while since someone treated her this well.

Asia: T-Thank you...

She sat at a table and slowly ate while Hatt sat down on the other side and did the same.

Hatt: So whats your name?

Hatt already knew but want to start a conversation with the girl.

Asia: Oh it's Asia, Asia Argento.

Hatt: Well nice to meet you Asia.

Asia: Y-Yeah, you too.

Hatt: So why did those fallen angels do that to you?

Asia shivered at the mere thought of it.

Asia: They wanted my sacred gear...

Hatt: Ah, and what is a sacred gear?

Asia was a bit surprised as she thought he would of known about sacred gears if he had one.

Asia: They're relics created by god himself and given to humans that are special.

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