Avoiding The Stalkers

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Another day passed and Hatt exited the school gates and made his way home only to once again catch onto the feeling of someone following him. Sighing, he lead them to the middle of the town where he entered an alleyway and then quickly drank a potion of leaping and jumped onto the roof of the building and watched below as Koneko came around the corner, only this time being sided by Kiba.

Kiba: Um...where did he go?

Koneko: Dammit! This is the second time we've lost him!

Kiba: Does he know we're following him and avoiding us?

Koneko: I don't know, but Rias is suspicious about this guy and so far we know nothing about him.

Eventually the two left and Hatt went leaping across the roofs of the buildings until he landed on the ground and made his way back to his house.

This ordeal continued for the next couple days with Hatt continuously avoiding the following of the devils while Rias and her peerage were having a hard time gaining any new information on Hatt. The found out that his address was fake and lead to an old abandoned house. Add to the fact that there wasn't any information on any of his relatives other than the names of his parents in which they couldn't find anything else of them either. Every time Rias would send someone to follow Hatt home they would always loose him very quickly.

This only made her and her peerage even more suspicious of him and eventually Rias decided to attempt to question Hatt personally. 

Hatt was having lunch along with the rest of his classmates when Kiba entered the class causing all the girls to squeal and all the boys minus Hatt to groan in annoyance. What did get Hatt's attention was when Kiba came to his desk.

Kiba: Hello, your Hatt Stonecutter right?

Hatt: Uh yes?

Kiba: My club president requested me to fetch you, she just wants to talk.

Hatt knew that Rias would probably try to personally get information out him eventually. Either way, he knew a simple way out of this.

Hatt:...No thanks.

A few people gasped as Kiba got a little surprised at his refusal to his request.

Kiba: Please, it won't take that long.

Hatt: Sorry but no.

Kiba's next words seemed a little sterner and direct.

Kiba: Hatt, I think it would be for the best you come with me.

Hatt narrowed his eyes at the blonde boy before responding.

Hatt: Or?

Now the whole class stared at what was happening and wondered what would happened next. Kiba on the other hand didn't know what to do as he didn't know what Hatt was capable of and worried if he tried to force him to come with him would cause a big problem and Hatt on the other hand was giving him a look as if he was daring Kiba to do it.

Eventually Kiba sighed before turning and leaving the room as the other students began whispering on what happened, all having mixed thoughts.

Random Student: How dare he treat the prince like that!

Random Student: Ha! I've always wanted to see someone put prince goldie nuts down!

Random Student: Still, Kiba's pretty popular, Hatt might get hated for doing that.

Hatt ignored them and went back to eating his lunch while Kiba went back to the ORC to report back to Rias.

Upon returning to the club building, he informed Rias of Hatt refusal to come and this caused Rias to sign. This was more difficult than she thought and unless they were to outright confront him, there were very few ways to get any information on him. Confronting him outright could be dangerous as they didn't know what he could do or would do if he felt threatened.

Akeno: Perhaps we could find and talk to Asia. Maybe we can find out more about him from her.

Issei: But how will we find her?

Rias then thought of an idea.

Rias: If Asia is still alive then she probably still has her sacred gear which we can track using her energy signature. Perhaps this may even lead to Hatt's home itself.

So that waited until after school and Rias used her magic to sense Asia's strong aura from her sacred gear. It didn't take long for Rias pick up on a strong magical signature, though weak enough to be identified as a human's.

Rias: Got her...

Hatt made it home and like always was greeted by Asia who had this time made some carrot stew, another ontray he happen to like. They sat down and began eating when Hatt felt a disturbance and snapped his head to the window just quick enough to see something move away from it.

Asia noticed his quick movement and questioned it.

Asia: I-Is everything okay Hatt?

Hatt looked at the window for a bit before responding.

Hatt: Yeah...

They continued eating as Hatt slowly reached over and twisted a glass bottle of water he had so that it's reflection was facing the window where he saw someone peering in sneakily.

It wasn't just Koneko and Kiba either, it was Akeno too. She had sent the whole peerage after him.

Hatt: Damn, how did they find me?

He for some reason didn't create any curtains so he couldn't just block off their view from any windows. He thought of a way to make them go away but knew that even if he did, they would probably just come back.

After a while he decided enough was enough and got up.

Hatt: I'll be right back Asia.

Asia: Oh okay.

Hatt then left the room while the devils continued looking through the window.

Koneko: Okay she's alone, now lets-

Hatt: What are you doing?

All three devils were startled by the sudden speaking and appearance of Hatt who now stood behind them with his arms crossed.

Kiba: W-Wha, we uh...

Hatt decided to act like he didn't know they were devils and see how much they would let on.

Hatt: Did you follow me back to my house?

He knew they probably didn't as he had been avoiding them for the past few days and probably used some other method to track him.

Akeno: Hatt we can explain.

Hatt gave a look telling her to go on. He was curious onto what excuses they would make or if they would actually tell the truth and reveal themselves as devils.

Akeno: We were looking for our friend Asia. We had heard she had been kidnapped by someone and then Issei said she was living with you and we wanted to make sure she was alright.

Hatt: Then why didn't you simply knock on the door and ask?

The three devils quickly looked for an excuse to what they were doing.

Kiba: Well you refused to come to the ORC so we could ask you and we didn't know how you would react to us just showing up to your house unannounced.

Hatt stated at then for a few moments while they were on edge, worried he might now buy their lie. He obviously didn't, having already known they were devils.

But he decided to go with it.

Hatt: Alright then, why don't you come inside and have some carrot stew.

The three devils seemed surprised but as soon as Hatt turned away, breathed a sigh of relief thinking he had bought it.

Kiba: Oh uh, thank you, but we should probably get going-

Hatt: Theres cake too.

This made Koneko's eyes widen.

Akeno: Oh thats fine we should still get go-

Koneko: Count me in.

Akeno and Kiba watched in surprise as Koneko followed Hatt inside the house before sighing and following suit.

High School DxD X Minecraft Playerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें