(Imagine) Two-bit: God I wish

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(Requested by ewinstxn ) (also Dally is your older brother)

"HEHEEEE'' Two-bit squealed and wheezed as we swayed and stubble around in the street on our way to the Curtis house. We have been best friends since elementary school. I love that, but here's the problem; I always secretly had a crush on him. I really thought I never had a chance with him though.

"Hi Two-bit!" Marcia called flirtatiously, this is gonna sound crazy, but she sounded drunk, or a bit tipsy

"Hi Marcia" Two-bit said bleakly and turned around, obviously not interested.

"Who is this? Your girlfriend?" Marcia she then winked at me.

God I wish

"No um... she is my best friend" he said awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck.

"Ya....um....I will be over here ok?" I said, it was obvious he didn't see me as a crush or girlfriend, just a best friend of sister.

"Oh ok y/n/n"

They talked for about 5 minutes and then Two-bit  saw that I was really uncomfortable. I assumed he was just as uncomfortable through the whole scenario, cause and walked over to me.

"Hey sorry... I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable.."

"Hey it's ok" I gave him a half-hearted smile, that I really didn't mean
We waited for Dallas to come
and get us. If you want to know the truth I was jealous. Really Jealous.

"Are you ok?" He asked gingerly, noticing me being quiet

"Oh ya, I'm totally fine, I'm just fine. I'm really tired"

He rolled his eyes and slightly shook his head in disbelief.

Dally pulled up and we got in
"Hey man, got any cigarettes?" Dallas had asked Two-bit

"Ya here" he handed one to Dallas

"Can I have one too?" I gently asked

Both Dally and Two looked at me super surprised without even trying to be, only because I don't even really smoke.

"Oh uh ya...here" he handed me one and a lighter

"Are you ok?.... Listen stupid, you never smoke. what's up?" Dallas asked me still trying to have his "cool" act/attitude.

"Oh I'm fine. I'm just tired. I have been wanting one for a bit." I said as I took a drag on my cigarette. I usually coughed when I smoked but this time I didn't.

"Oh whatever..." Dally rolled his eyes
We got to the Curtis house, luckily alive with the way Dally drives.

When we got inside, Two-bit hurriedly took me to Ponyboy/Soda's room and shut the door.
No one in the gang realized but Soda and Dallas but they didn't say anything because Dallas filled Soda in on what was happening. So Soda would not think anything else was going on...

"Hey seriously what's wrong? You can tell me anything,please tell me!" He asked

"Nothing is wrong"

"Is this about Marcia?"

I didn't respond. Just to be spiteful. I sat there flustered and my eyes blazing with anger and jealousy.

"I'm sorry that offended you but why does it matter so much. I would expect at least a supportive best friend, especially since we have been friends since elementary. Like why do you care if I like her and vise versa?"


He just stared at me for a second
He then slowly leaned into me and gently placed a hand on my cheek and kissed me so softly. I was surprised that he kissed me gently. I kissed back of course, but nonetheless, I was shocked.

"Y/n. I have always had a crush on you too. I thought I had no chance. I love you."

"You do? I-I love you more" I said shocked and then stifled a little giggle.

"Yes I do" he said quietly and pulled me in closer to him and kissed me again but more passionate. One hand of his was on the side of on my head and the other was on my waist. My hand was on his chest gently clutching his jacket. The other hand was on the back of his neck gently. When we both pulled away we smiled and touched noses and giggled ever so quietly.

"You have no idea how long I have been wanting to do this..." he whispered

I smiled at him and giggled .
When we both pulled away he asked
"Want me to ask my ma if you can stay over here tonight instead of Merrill's place?"

I slyly smirked "ya.. I'm so sick of that lanky ass cowboy- no lanky ass shit kicker.."

"Ok- I will!" And then laughed at my comment.

Us both walked out of the room.
"We are gonna head to my house" Two-but stated.

"Can't keep it in your pants can ya?" Steve started laughing

"You get her knocked up and I swear to god, Keith." Dally commented

"Jeez... I won't... I don't think." He said the last part under his breath. Then started chuckling

"Keith!" I playfully slapped his stomach, as we walked out the door. "Goodnight!" I finished. We continued to walk home and back to his house. Let alone our hands were intertwined, we continued to crack jokes, but this time it felt different. I was having sparkly feelings through my veins and my stomach doing circles. I felt calm, relaxed, and, well,  loved. It felt right, not how most people describe in those cheesy romance books. It just felt real. As we walked into his house, his mom and little sister were sitting at the table. His mom was writing at the table, and his sister was playing with her dolls.

"Hey ma, can y/n/n spend the night?"

"Y/N/N?!" His little sister, Maddie, jumped up and engulfed me into a hug.

"Well of course! I think Maddie agrees!" Two-bits mom laughed and came and hugged me too. I gladly hugged back. I squeezed her for a second then pulled away. She gave me a kiss on the forehead and returned to the table. The Mathews household made me feel loved and wanted.

"Thanks ma" Two-bit said and walked to his room and sat on the bed. He patted a spot next to him on the bed. "Well, my mom still loves ya. Maybe even a bit more."

I came and laid by him, resting my head and arm on him. "I hope so..."


"Yuh?" I responded with sas in my tone

He just laughed then asked me; "Will you be my girl?"

"Of course I will, it took ya long enough." I then kissed him passionately, then laid back down.

"I love you"

"Not as much as I love you"


Should I make a smut version?! Like a 'sequel' ?

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