Ponyboy: "Well I don't Mind!"

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(This is when Mrs. and Mr. Curtis are alive)

"Bye mom! I'm going to go to Ponyboy's house!" I called as I was skipping out the door.

"Honey wait! I'm going to come too!" She hollered from the other room.

"Really?" I stop and then walk to the room my mom is in. "Why? Didn't we just go over there last night?"

She was straightening out her skirt and tucked in her shirt. Her skirt was a deep darker pink and was knee length.
"Yes, but me and Mrs.Curtis have made some plans!" She then started ushering me to the door. "We better not be late!"

"Where are we going?!" I started to get exited and I started to walk without the pressure of my mom's hand on my back.

"It's a surprise! Now, let's go!" She grabbed a tote bag. She was dressed all summery while I'm in my leggings and a t-shirt, don't forget my trusty black high top converse.

"Ok! Ok!" I laughed and ran across the street to the Curtis house. My mom trotted behind me in her small heels. I opened the door and walked in.

"Hi ma!" I called to Mrs. Curtis. I call her ma because she is literally my second mom!

"Well, Hello dear!" She then embraced me and gave me a kiss on the forehead

"Hey Y/n" the gang called and Two-Bit met me with a handshake. Dallas just did our head nod, so it was like our secret handshake. Johnny gave me a cute smile and waved.

"Y/N?!" Soda and Ponyboy sprinted out of their room. We automatically started doing our 'chant', as us three locked fingers and skipped in a circle.

"WE ARE THE RETARDS, WE ARE THE RETARDS, WE ARE THE RETARDS" after three rounds we all fell to the ground  wheezing and suffocating with laughter. Two-bit laughed really hard along with us. Steve, Dallas, and Johnny just stayed put, giggling. My ribs were quite stiff already. Mr and Mrs. Curtis looked confused but chuckled slightly. My mom was utterly stunned.

"Jeez" Darry mumbled under his breath, "hey Y/n" he laughed "I think that was more appropriate" he continued chuckling. Soda, Ponyboy, and me kept laughing harder.

"Dearest, can you go wash up?" Mrs. Curtis asked me, I nodded, she then turned to the boys. "Now Devils, can you help your older brother? Act mature?" The boys laughed and nodded. Mr. Curtis walked to my mom and gave her a hug. Then Mrs. Curtis ranted together on how grocery prices were crazy.

"Hey Retard 1" I said walking out of the bathroom, referring to Soda, we both tried keeping a straight face, but a smile tugged on both our faces.

"Hey Retard 2" he greeted back, that movie star smile still playing on his funny face.

"Hi retard Mickey!" I referred to Two-bit, he started laughing, again.

"Hi Dar-bear!" I ran over and jumped in Darry's back, hugging him in the process. He caught my legs just in time, so I didn't fall.

"Hey y/n/n" he greeted sweetly. Darry always treated me like his little sister. I never mind, I actually think of them like my siblings too. But me and Ponyboy, I guess, well, it's a bit of a different story. He is my best friend for gods sake, we even share the same birthday. We are all literally twins, just different moms. But there's a problem, I kind of like Ponyboy. I really don't want to ruin our friendship.

"Alright kids, come sit!" Mr. Curtis directed, we all did as we were told, even Dally. We all sat in various spots in the room.

"Ok! So Mr. And Mrs. Curtis have decided we are going to go to the lake today! So go get ready!" My mom finished for them. The house erupted into cheers and laughter. I, however, did not scream, just cheered. Me and Pony gave each other a devious look and jumped up, interlocking our fingers again. We ran around in a circle, cheering.


"Ok now, settle down children." My mom chimed, "Y/n, sweetie, you go change into your swimsuit" I nodded in response and grabbed my swimsuit.

Time skip cus I'm lazy;

"Ok... don't drown each other, go have fun!" Mrs. Curtis had directed the attention to the lake. Ponyboy picked me up, and threw me to the lake. I screeched and when my head hit above the surface of the lake, I stared at him, scolding him.

"PONYBOY?! I SERIOUSLY HATE YOU!" I teased, wiping my wet hair, slicking it back to my skull. He stood there laughing at me, but not for long. I grabbed his arm and yanked him in with me. This time, his head popped out from the surface of the water. He laughed and I laughed with him. I stared at his wet abdomen and face. His hair was all ratchet and crazy, but his did he look good. His body glistened in the sun and he looked perfect. I watched him and blushed. I guess he noticed and blushed, peering down at his body. But the other guys noticed too.

"Y/n and Pony sittin' in a tree! K I S S I N G!!" The boys jeered. Our parents were at some other part of the lake, so there was no one really there to save me.

"Well I don't mind!" Pony shouted, seemingly, absentmindedly. He then realized what he said and blushed a color a rich apple couldn't even compare to. I stood up and grabbed his arm pulling him back into the water with me. We stayed under the surface for a sec, so I took the time to wrap my legs around his waist, and he wrapped his arms around. My arms snaked around the nape of his neck. The boys were laughing and cheering us on. We leaned in again and soon our lips touched. They moved in sync but soon started to slow. He always kept a smile on his lips, and every time I noticed, my stomach would flutter. I'll be honest, I was probably smiling like an idiot while kissing him too. We kept kissing back and forth, kiss kiss. Like you were kissing a dog in the forehead multiple times. Just this time it was my biggest crush's lips. We didn't care if the boys were yelling dirty things or laughing. Our foreheads rested together for a moment, then we stared at each other's features. We just need each other, and stared into each other's eyes, like it was the only thing in the world. And we syawed a bit, like we were slow dancing.

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