Chapter 9: If We Had More Time

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—Sam pov—

I was waiting for Kara when I heard her voice.

"Hi love" I said, doing something which meant I wasn't facing her.

"I understand if you don't want to date me anymore." She said, her voice breaking.

I turned around. "Love, just because you're bald and you don't have wings doesn't mean you aren't pretty. You look hot." I said, smirking.

"You mean it?" She said, smiling.

I nodded and we hung out for a bit, nothing could separate us. No one could separate us.

—Liam pov—

I talked to him about everything and he talked to me about everything.

"I wish you were here." He said, sobbing.

"I'll always be here, not physically but I'm sorry. I didn't think-"

"What didn't you think? I thought this was my fault! I thought you were happy doing this all because of me. You didn't tell me or anything. You didn't trust me. You didn't deserve me. Honestly, I wish I never existed because then you wouldn't have killed yourself. When you love someone, you gotta let them go."

"But I don't want to let you go. My ignorance made you feel like a failure and I don't want that. I want the best for you. I love you." I said, crying.

He sniffled and chuckled before pulling out a book. "How to bring a ghost back to life in 5 minutes."

—Aphrodite pov—

I decided to pull out my phone to watch YouTube when I got a text from Kyle

Hey- Kyle <3

Hiiiii- The love goddess herself

Wanna come over?- Kyle <3

Sure! Omw- The love goddess herself

I headed over with Kyle's umbrella from a while back before I forgot to give it to him again.

"Hey." I said, when Isla opened the door.

"Kyle, your girlfriend is here!" She shouted, letting me inside.

"I'll be downstairs in a second." He said. After about five minutes he came back down. "Have you seen my mask?" He muttered, locking his eyes with mine while still on the stairs. I had never seen his eyes before. They were a muted red, like a mesa color that looked stunning. He was so handsome.

"Oh uhm sorry for staring." I said, looking away to hide my cherry stained face.

"It's ok strawberry, and sis we aren't dating."

"If you say so." She said, rolling her eyes.

We decided to go into his room and chat when he asked me something.

"Can I see your eye?" He asked. It wasn't in a demanding tone, he just wanted to know. He was sweet.

"Ok." I said, putting my hair back to show my yellow eye. "I get it looks weird but I hope you aren't freaked out."

"It's beautiful, you're beautiful." He said, making me embarrassed.

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