Chapter 4: Different Person, Same Name

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—Azumi pov—

"Hey Nishi!" I said, seeing her on the street.

"Hi," she said, looking tired.

"What's wrong?" I asked, looking at her. She had bad eyebags and her hair looked tangled.

"I didn't get any sleep and I'm really busy today, especially since I had to train the new employee at the coffee shop I work at." She said, sighing. "Let's just say she's good at old fashioned coffee tricks but not new ones."

I chuckled and asked to head over there.

Once we reached the shop, I saw a girl with pink and blonde hair with pastel everything working the coffee machine.

"I'm back, Azumi, this is Maru."

"Nice to meet you." We both said simultaneously and chuckled.

"Nice to meet you too." I said, smiling.

I looked at Nishi and gave her a look of "you didn't tell me her name was Maru." But she ignored it and I realized I was stupid for thinking that because people can have the same name.

Juno's pov

Alexis and I hadn't talked in a while, she was always with her friends. I cried. I didn't want to lose her, she was mine. Forever. I honestly didn't care who she hung out with as long as it wasn't a guy who liked her romantically.

"Juno?" Alexis said, snuggling up to me. "What's wrong dear."

"We need to spend more time together, I barely see you, I miss you. I need you." I sobbed.

"I'm sorry I haven't but I will now, starting with me sleeping over!" She said, holding a small bag full of stuff.

I chuckled and taunted her for bringing such a big bag.

"Wanna go patrol?" I asked her, raising one eyebrow.

"You mean make out as desire and demise?" She asked, smirking.

"Jeez I was trying to make it not so blunt!" I said, turning red.

We went out to the rooftop and made out.

Sam pov

"Do you think it was a good idea to let her go, even with all of her memories?" I asked, curious to see her response.

"No, you could get in trouble." Kara said, coming in to the garden, the only place we could meet without getting sent to the torture room.

I picked a white rose and put it in her hair, kissing her.

"Samantha I lov-" she tried to say before I covered her mouth and hid behind a huge bush.

I whispered in her ear. "We almost got caught."

"I gotta go." She said, kissing my hand before flying off.

I wish I could be with her forever, in front of everyone. I could never be an angel. I was a murderer then, I'd probably murder someone else if I was still alive.

I walked out to get my task on who to hurt next, it was a ghost stuck dwelling on earth. I was supposed to convince him to be a demon. My angel who I was going against was.... Kara? I went down and saw him. He looked sad, I wanted to help, not hurt.

Triana pov

"Such a disgrace! We are all top fliers and you can only glide! Maybe we should get your wings cut off." My mom said, slapping me.

At that moment, lune walked in and everyone praised him. "Are you ok tri?" He asked, lifting me up.

"They want to cut off my wings, and honestly I don't blame them." I said, heading to the bathroom.

"Tri wait-" he tried stopping me but I left. I took out the blade and chopped them off. The wings falling to the ground. Blood going everywhere.

I woke up in the hospital, lune crying and holding my hand next to me. "What happened?" I asked, looking at the bandages wrapped around my torso.

"You passed out from blood loss after cutting your wings off." He said, squeezing my hand.

"I'm sorry." I said, hugging him.

"I'm keeping you with me at my place for a while. No buts." He said, kissing my cheek.

Just then, my sister Berry ran in and kissed my forehead. "Sis I'm worried about you!" She seemed panicked. Her boyfriend, Haru, waited outside.

Eventually, after my parents yelling and my sister crying over me, lune took me to his house.

"Sorry I don't have a guest bedroom, you can sleep on my bed." He said nervously.

"Where will you sleep?" I wondered.

"The couch." He said.

"I'll take the couch." I said, used to sleeping on the floor.

"You sure?" He asked, feeling nervous.

I nodded and before he went to bed, he asked me something.

"Wanna go clothes shopping tomorrow?" He asked me.

"Sure!" I said. I never got new clothes, only hand me downs.


We reached the mall and I tried on clothes.

"I need a new suit." Lune said, explaining that it was for a party and that I could be his plus one.

"Sure!" I said, picking a dress and he looked like a tomato.

"You look hot." I winked when he tried on a suit. He slicked his hair back which looked weird but I didn't care.

We left a bag of clothes and went home.

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