Chapiter 16: Chasing Shadows

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This chapter is under wei wuxian's point of view.
Next chapter will be under Lan zhan's point of view again!


Yèlíng's abrupt awakening from the peculiar dream left him grappling with the surreal remnants of the otherworldly experience. The gentle touch of butterfly wings lingered on his skin, merging the boundary between the dream and the waking world. His heart raced, a rhythmic echo of the dream's lingering emotions reverberating through him. For a fleeting moment, the room appeared foreign, and a sense of disorientation cast a veil over his surroundings as he transitioned from the dream to reality.

This marked the third occurrence of the same ethereal dream within the week, each iteration revealing a mysterious place with a captivating fountain and a significant silhouette. However, the details of the dream remained elusive upon waking, obscured by a lingering haze. The face of the enigmatic figure remained a blur, and the words exchanged in that dreamspace slipped away like whispers fading into the wind. The dream left an indelible mark on Yèlíng's consciousness, an echo persisting in the recesses of his mind.

In the previous two instances, a disconcerting theme unfolded-a relentless pursuit that filled Yèlíng with an inexplicable fear. The figure, veiled in anger and madness, chased him through the dreamscapes. The identity of this enigmatic presence remained an enigma, yet the palpable intensity of wrath lingered. Each occurrence left Yèlíng with a lingering unease, a puzzle with missing pieces that defied easy interpretation.

As Yèlíng sat on his bed, contemplating the lingering echoes of his nightmares, a relentless pounding on his door shattered the quiet of his thoughts. The familiar voice of Jiang Cheng accompanied the pounding, disrupting the tranquility of the morning.

"Yèlíng! Get your lazy self up, or I'm leaving for uni without you!" Jiang Cheng's characteristic loudness echoed through the door.

"I'm awake, you obnoxious idiot! Stop assaulting my door, I'm coming!" Yèlíng retorted, making his way to the door and opening it to reveal a slightly irritated Jiang Cheng.

"You're not even dressed?! Hurry up!" Jiang Cheng scolded.

"Alright, alright! No need to be so impatient. We've got a boring class this morning, anyway," Yèlíng replied nonchalantly.

"Boring for you! I love mythology class; we learn great stuff!" Jiang Cheng defended his enthusiasm.

"Hmm, great for you, maybe. I can't seem to memorize anything in that class," Yèlíng sighed.

"You've got such a crappy memory; no wonder Mom is always mad at you," Jiang Cheng remarked, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'm not living with her anymore; she can't be mad at me now!" Yèlíng playfully stuck out his tongue.

Grabbing his clothes, Yèlíng headed towards the small bathroom, catching Jiang Cheng muttering a "you're lucky" under his breath. After a quick change into jeans and a t-shirt, Yèlíng rejoined his brother in his modest apartment, consisting of a small living area, a bed, a compact kitchen, and a bathroom.

They strolled along the path toward the university, the chatter between Yèlíng and Jiang Cheng filling the air. As they made their way, Xin Rong, a shy and endearing boy whom Yèlíng had assisted on his first day, joined them. The trio continued their journey, heading to Mrs. Jing Ai's mythology class together.

Mrs. Jing stood out among the many teachers Yèlíng encountered. Unlike the others, she often smiled at his jokes, patiently encouraged him to remember the myriad names of goddesses in mythology, and never once faulted him for needing repeated explanations. She even went above and beyond, staying late with him to help him memorize his lessons. Yèlíng found himself fond of her, appreciating her kindness and dedication, even though he couldn't bring himself to enjoy her class.

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