Chapiter 11: Echoes of Promise: Wangji's Quest Begins

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The morning sun cast a gentle glow on the Cloud Recesses as Lan Wangji awoke with a heavy heart. Thoughts of Wei Ying lingered, like an unspoken promise echoing through the stillness of the Jingshi. Sizhui's hopeful plea tugged at Wangji's soul, a reminder of a responsibility that weighed on him. He found himself torn between heeding his son's advice to search for Wei Ying and ensuring Sizhui's safety by staying put. The haunting uncertainty loomed—what if Odin came for the child in Wangji's absence? Would the elders protect him, or, like years ago, surrender him to Odin to safeguard the Cloud Recesses? The fear of losing both Wei Ying and Sizhui gnawed at Wangji's resolve.

As he stepped outside, the tranquility of the Cloud Recesses embraced him, yet nagging questions persisted. Where could Wei Ying be, and why hadn't he returned? Wangji couldn't shake the longing that echoed in his heart, mirrored in Sizhui's innocent eyes.

The air in the Cloud Recesses held a certain heaviness, an anticipation of the unknown. Wangji's steps were measured, each one echoing the internal conflict he grappled with. Sizhui's request lingered in his mind, urging him to embark on a quest he had postponed for years. The answers he sought were shrouded in the mysteries of the past, and as Wangji prepared for the day, a resolve took root within him. Today would mark the beginning of a journey—a journey to uncover the truth, find Wei Ying, and fulfill a promise made to a grown-up Sizhui.

He made his way slowly toward his brother's house; if anyone could help him, it would be Lan Xichen. Wangji knocked on the door, and Lan Xichen opened it as if expecting him.

"Come on in, Wangji," he said. They both sat down at the table, and his brother offered him tea, which Wangji gladly accepted.

 As Lan Wangji sat at the table, the fragrance of the tea wafted through the air, offering a subtle comfort amidst his inner turmoil. Lan Xichen observed his brother's conflicted expression, the weight of unspoken concerns evident in the lines on Wangji's face.

"Wangji," Lan Xichen began, his voice a steady, "I can see the struggle within you. Is something troubling your heart?"

Wangji hesitated "Sizhui..." resolved he continued " he asked me to find Wei Ying. The desire to seek him is strong, but I fear what might happen here if I leave."

Lan Xichen nodded understandingly, his gaze compassionate. "Your duty to the Cloud Recesses is commendable, but family is just as important. You can go; I'll look after Sizhui. Do not worry. Remember, Wangji," Lan Xichen added, "sometimes, the pursuit of truth and love leads us to unexpected solutions. Trust your heart, and may clarity guide your decisions."

As the brothers continued their conversation, the weight on Wangji's shoulders felt a bit lighter, knowing that even in the face of difficult choices, he had the support of family. His brother had not fallen him back then, and he knew that this time again, his brother would not fail him.

The library enveloped Lan Wangji in a tranquil calmness as he approached Sizhui, who was engrossed in a book. Lan Wangji stood there for a few moments without uttering a word, taking in the sight of the young man he had raised. The recent conversation with his brother lingered in his thoughts, prompting him to engage with Sizhui once again. The rhythmic turning of pages by the boy ceased as Wangji's soft voice interrupted the quiet.

"Sizhui," he said, careful not to startle him.

Sizhui looked up, warmth filling his eyes. "Father, is something the matter?" Sizhui inquired as Wangji took a seat beside him.

There was a silent pause before Lan Wangji began, "I need to discuss something important with you again, A-Yuan."

Closing his book, Sizhui gave Wangji his undivided attention. "Of course, dad. What is it?"

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