Chapter 4: Blossoming Affection

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Time stretched on like an unyielding river flowing through the celestial realm, and Lan Zhan found himself waiting. He had anticipated a sign, a whisper, or even a fleeting glimpse of Wei Ying's presence, but all that met him was deafening silence. Days turned into weeks, and with each passing moment, the weight of Wei Ying's absence grew heavier. Lan Zhan would often find solace beneath the ancient willow tree, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns of the bark as he contemplated the ever-evolving tapestry of their friendship. He longed for Wei Ying's laughter, his boundless energy, and the way his mere presence could illuminate even the darkest corners of their world.

He hadn't expected to miss the whirlwind of energy that Wei Ying embodied, but he now had to admit that Wei Ying had left an indelible impression on him long ago. At first, it had been curiosity during their childhood; Wei Ying was the only other child who understood him and gave him space when he sought it. As they grew up, Wei Ying had always been the sunshine in their world—joyful, helpful, and exuberantly noisy. When Wei Ying had made an attempt to reconnect, Lan Wangji had immediately thought of the consequences of defying Odin's orders and worried deeply for Wei Ying's safety, leading him to reject the offer. He had longed to befriend Wei Ying, and seeing Wei Ying's eagerness had filled him with happiness.

Now that Wei Ying had once again vanished into the night, Wangji realized that the feelings he harbored for the other man went beyond mere friendship. Lan Wangji had always been a man of duty and honor, but now, the yearning for something deeper had taken root within him. These thoughts weighed heavily on him, especially as Wei Ying appeared to have ceased his efforts to reach out. Lan Wangji grappled with this newfound longing and the fear of rejection.

As autumn leaves began to fall, an unexpected knock on the door jolted Lan Zhan to his feet. His heart quickened with hope as he opened the door, revealing Wei Ying's familiar figure. Apologetic eyes met his, and a mischievous smile danced on Wei Ying's lips. Wangji stood there, hardly able to believe his eyes. Five months had passed since their profound conversation, though they had crossed paths occasionally. It was as if fate conspired to bring them together, orchestrating these serendipitous encounters.

However, during these fleeting moments, Wei Ying had been immersed in his divine duties, hands laden with scrolls and papers. There was no room for conversation, and they merely passed each other in silence, their gazes seldom meeting.

Initially, this silence had stung Lan Wangji. He couldn't help but wonder if Wei Wuxian had grown disinterested, perhaps discouraged by Lan Wangji's seemingly reserved and uneventful demeanor. But as time flowed like a river, carrying away the months, Lan Wangji began to embrace the silence as a necessary pause. In the serenity of that quiet moment, Lan Wangji found the perfect opportunity for introspection.

"Lan Zhan, did you miss me?" Wei Ying asked, his tone nonchalant, as though their last meeting had occurred only yesterday.

"Why are you here, Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji inquired, his curiosity mingled with a faint bewilderment.

"Because we're friends now, right?" Wei Ying replied with a dramatic flourish, placing a hand over his heart and casting puppy-dog eyes at Lan Wangji. With a sigh, Lan Wangji opened the door to his abode, welcoming Wei Ying inside.

As Wei Ying crossed the threshold, a triumphant grin overtook his features. After months of persistent attempts and countless serendipitous encounters, he had broken through Lan Wangji's defenses. To Wei Ying, it was a small victory, yet it held immense significance.

Lan Wangji, on the other hand, grappled with the rapid turn of events. He had resisted Wei Ying's overtures of friendship for so long, and now, he had willingly invited him into his home after months of silence. The eternal battle between duty and desire raged within him, but he couldn't deny the warmth that filled his heart as Wei Ying's cheerful presence enveloped the room.

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