Chapter one.

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I walked in to class ready for lectures God I'm soo glad this is my last year then I can finally bid farewell to this life. I need all the clarity and understanding I can gather this year not that my grades are exceptionally bad just that they not where I wish they should be. I stand at second class  I just need to make a little effort to maintain it .My goal was first class but I realized I couldn't endeavor . I'm just not cut out for it I play too much and I would rather watch a Netflix show or bury myself in a romantic book, wishing I could leave the life of the characters rather than learning my life away. There are people who made it with education and without education. Either way, I know I will be fine. The lecturer, Mrs.Thompson enters the class and I mentally prepare myself for the hours ahead . Aside being my lecturer , she doubles as a friend of my mother . These two have been best friends for a very long time and are thick as thieves. They met as kids , lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same high school and the same college. There had their differences along the line but nothing could end them I don't think anything will be able to tear them apart except death even with that, I think they would most likely be buried beside each other . Mrs. Thompson starts talking about Human Resource Management and I sit through the boring Lecture taking notes. The lecture finally comes to an end after Two long hours . I get up to leave then I hear someone mention my name.

"Miss Hayes, please walk with me."
"Yes Mrs. Thompson "

I wait for her to finish addressing the concerns of some students and finally, we start walking.

"How are you doing and how's everything going with you?"

" I'm doing well and everything is great. Thanks for asking "

" That's good to hear. This is your last year and I would encourage you to put in your very best. Have found any company with which you would like to work yet?"

" I got a couple of them like Orion corporation and Allied holdings. I've not yet decided I'm still thinking about it."

" I hear the CEO of Orion corporation is giving a speech today at the Career Summit at noon. You should go listen to him maybe that will give you some insight and help you decide?"

" Oh okay . I'll be sure to pass by. Thank you "
" Great. See you then "
" have a nice day "

Goodness, I didn't plan on staying behind after lectures because of a promise I made to my friend that I'll spend the day with her if possible, the entire weekend given that she is heartbroken and preparing for her nana's funeral. That woman was really nice, God bless her soul . Maddie and I have been friends for a really long time. I can't leave her when she needs me the most. No worries I'll just stay for a while and leave. My stomach rumbles reminding me that it's empty and I immediately feel the hunger. I skipped breakfast because I would have been late for class .
I make a beeline towards the cafeteria to get my self an iced coffee. I take out my phone to inform Maddie about the slight change of plans when suddenly, I bump into a hard surface and papers go flying in the air. A hand firmly grabs my wrist just as I was about falling.
I look up at my savior and I am completely mesmerized ,it's like time stopped for a moment. He has a brown wavy hair which has been carefully cut , gently combed and arranged into perfection. His brown eyes looked as if he was staring deep down into my soul in search of something he has been missing. His lips are perfectly carved with the best Cupid bow I have ever set eyes on and has a hint of pink. Then again, I've not seen much Cupid bows . He has a well chiseled jaw line and I bet they would cut me if I dared to touch.
He is dressed professionally in a dark green three piece suit and tie. Over all , he is nothing but mightily beautiful and fine. His aura beams bright warm colors but he has an icy demeanor. He could easily pass for the lead actor in any movie.
He pulls me to his chest then stabilizes me with his arms around my waist. We stare into each other's eyes for seconds before he lets go of me slowly, almost as if he did not want to. For a moment, I'm utterly lost for words all I could manage was a flimsy thank you. He appeared not to have heard me so I repeat louder this time.

" thank you "
I pause for a moment then we both crouch to pick up his papers and my books.
"No worries "

"My apologies for  bumping into you , I was not paying attention " I said

" That's okay, I was also distracted. I'm Orion "
" Zelda, nice to meet you"

I give him the document and he hands over my phone and books

" that looks like is severely damaged, I'm sorry about that. Can I have your address so I get a new one delivered?"

" that won't be necessary but thank you "

" I insist."
" don't worry about it , it's fine " I say with a smile.

A man dressed in black suit approaches us and whispers something in his ears. He whispers back to him then looks at me and says

" I wish I met you under different circumstances but it was nice meeting you "
" likewise" I say confused as I watch his back disappear into the crowd with the man in black following closely .

I take a moment to gather my thoughts because at this point, they have gone rogue.

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