Sebastian gazed outside the window, his hand interlaced behind his back. "Take a seat."

Verona did was she was told as a million thoughts raced through her head. Jovan had probably recognized her before collapsing and had alerted the rest of his family. She tried to calm her breathing, and was mindful of her every move. Sebastian could smell fear and weakness as easily as a hound dog. "Your birthday is coming up soon," he said, turning to meet her eyes.

Verona raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"Twenty-first is cause for celebration, don't you think? I already got the staff started on the details of the party."

He had called her in to announce he was throwing her a party? "Thank you, Grandfather, I'm flattered. But I prefer more intimate gatherings."

He dismissed her suggestion with the wave of a hand. "Nonsense. This will be the perfect opportunity for you to meet some of Charles' boys."

Ah, so that's what it was about. "The Rousseau boys?"

"Yes. They are around your age, and all eligible bachelors. An alliance will be good for our family."

Not for our family, Verona thought, but for himself. He was going to sell her like a whore just to expand his criminal empire. Her hands shook, from anger or horror, she didn't know. She quickly hid them in the pockets of her dress.

He eyed her carefully. "I take it you're over that boy, aren't you?" It was more a demand than a question.

Not a boy. Not just any boy.

"Yes," she lied through gritted teeth.

"Good. That kid was a waste of your time. You are an adult now and will accept the responsibilities attached with being a De Rohan."

She wondered if Victor, who was older than her by a couple of years, shared the same responsibilities. Sebastian took a look at her face, which she was sure was as white as a sheet, and smiled. "Oh, do not fret my dear child. I was generous enough to give you the pick of the litter. It's more than most girls of your status get. I take that what I ask of you isn't much."

Her words turned to ash on her tongue. "Of course not, Grandfather. Anything for family."

"Good," Sebastian replied. "Because I already invited them to the party."

☼ ☼ ☼

Verona quickened her footsteps as she approached the Monroe Hall. She was running late, again, and Mrs. Connell was not particularly forgiving.

The campus was covered in leaves of different shades, and the scenery was enough to make her pause for a second. Autumn, with all its vibrant hues, held a special place in her heart.

Leaning on the wall of the building was Zara Wright, a cigarette between her lips. With her brown skin, small waist, and otherworldly features, she turned heads everywhere she went. Was well aware of it too. "Another minute out in the cold and I would've killed you."

Verona snorted, approaching her. "You seem awfully comfortable with that cigarette. You know there's a no smoke sign right above your head, right?"

The girl extinguished it before throwing the remains in the garbage can. "When has that ever stopped us before?"

Chuckling, Verona wrapped her arms around the girl in an embrace. She was one of the very few people she felt comfortable enough to let her guards down.

Zara pulled back, a smile playing on her lips as she looked at her with an intense gaze. Her long hair dark was tied back into an elegant bun, and she wore a white coat that made her chestnut eyes stand out more than they already did. "You'll never believe what happened earlier. Professor Kane almost dragged Ryle out of the classroom."

While Verona had been blessed with afternoon classes, Zara had to suffer through morning ones. The only class they had together this semester was the one they were currently walking to: Constitutional law.

Zara finished updating her about the latest drama around campus just as they sat down in the back of the classroom, by the door. It was a two-hour lecture, and they liked to occasionally slip out to have a smoke.

Mrs. Connell entered the room, glaring daggers through her glasses. She had a reputation for failing whoever she even remotely disliked. Unfortunately for them, this course had been a mandatory one.

"Let's go out this Friday night," whispered Verona as she reached for her laptop in her purse.

Zara, sweet sweet Zara who had never said no to a night-out, said, "Of course. Where to?"

"The Lion Rouge."

She turned away from the Professor, who had started the lecture, and gave Verona a weird look. "You said only losers go there."

It was true, considering Ronan Rousseau, eldest of his brothers, ran it. "I take it back," she shrugged.

"Fine. Let's try it out. What are you planning on wearing?"

Verona opened her mouth to answer when Mrs. Connell interrupted her. "And since some of you here seem to take this course as a joke, I am expecting a paper on separation of powers by the end of class. A thousand words is the minimum word count."

The entire class groaned in protest, but Mrs. Connell's glare was enough to get the girls typing.

A/N: meet Verona's dysfunctional family and her best friend Zara! I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it

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A/N: meet Verona's dysfunctional family and her best friend Zara! I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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