Chapter 4

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A/N~ Sorry for the short chapter I have more yet to come! Life has just gotten in the way. I hope you injoy!


It has been weeks since William left, and I've been so beside myself to even function I keep beating myself up for falling for a man who let's be honest I shouldn't have gotten that close to in the first place. I mean he is literally from another lifetime practically another world given how much has changed since then I mean come on what was I thinking. The face was I wasn't thinking I was swept away by a man who was unobtainable. I've drowned myself in research oh how I could possibly see him again practically driving myself into madness at just the possibility of me going back to him. Melancholy is all I could feel as I look at the small pin, he gave me from his uniform before he hugged me goodbye. Bree has been trying to figure out a way for us to meet again as well even though she won't tell me anything so far saying that the think she could have possibly found a way for me to see him she sounded uncertain over the phone. All I could do was think of him twenty-four seven even as I drove over to Bree's house with the pin in my hand not knowing what she could have found. As I pulled in her driveway, she was already waiting for me on the steps of her house. "I found a way for you to go back but it is really risky." She announced before I got the chance to even close my car door. Walking over to her and sitting next to her before I spoke, not knowing if my legs would give out at what she said. "Okay well I knew it would be a risk in general. What are you thinking?" I said with anticipation yet still worried that it might not be possible I mean I've never even knew that time travel even actually existed four weeks ago. "I'll go with you it is the only way to be sure you go back to his time bit the thing is that it won't be just me going back it will be all of us." She said as she looked down at the small gem she was playing with in her hand. "I can't have you uproot your life like that just because I made the mistake of falling for a guy." I said as a lump on my throat started to form. Mot wanting to look ridiculous I stuffed the feeling deep down tying to compose my emotions before I spoke, but she had already beat me to it. "In all honesty this isn't home at least not completely. I have been wanting to go back since we got back so don't feel bad, it kills me to not be close with mom or da and plus the kids miss them like crazy. The only thing is once we go back with you, I'm not sure well be able to return because that is our home." she said as a half smirk spread across her face. "Okay well let's get going then! What is it I need to do?" I said standing up with a big grin on my face that radiated with happiness. "Hello ladies everything is ready to go all we got to do is change and head over to Bailey's house!" Roger said as he popped his head out the door with a welcoming smile that could make anyone feel at home. "Roger that roger!" I said as I laughed at my own cringy joke following the sound of their laugh as well. "Oh god that was horrible!" "Maybe you should stick to your day job." Bee said as I pushed her shoulder with my hand as we all laughed.

"Ready to go thought everyone?" Bree asked, making sure we all had everything and didn't drop anything. "Ready." We all said as we grabbed tight to the gems with one hand and linked each other's here hand together as we pressed them against the tall flat rock that William came thought. Faster than a blink I was on the ground gem out of my fingers and nobody around me. Panic coursing through my veins not knowing if it worked and if it did where I was. Looking at the rock we touched it was gone. Disbelief and shock took over as I stood up wiping the dirt from my awfully heavy skirt that has so many things, we hid in it to bring with us. I started walking trying to find some sort of distant noise if what I could only imagine being the sound of a horse. As I got closer, I seen it was a road trying to hide behind a fallen tree watching trying to see if there was anyone who could help but not trusting who could come across my path. All of a sudden footstep and talking could be heard growing closer. As they grew closer I could male out a red uniform just like the one William wore. Hope grew in my heart at the thought that I could possibly see him again. Through the clearing slightly to the right Infront of me I could see him, William! Without a single thought I hoped over the tree as if I was a Olympic runner hopping over a hurdle sprinting as fast as I could in this damn skirt that slowed me down more than I cared. "WILLIAM!" I yelled, grabbing his attention as he spun around hand ready to grab his sword before his beautiful blue eyes grew wide as I collided with him knocking him in his back. He went in defense and swiftly flipped us, so I was on the grown and him on top with his knife pressed gently against my neck ready to kill at any moment if needed. His eyes practically popped out of his head as he looked me in the eyes and realized who it was throwing the knife to the ground. "Baily? Is that really you?" he said as his eyes becoming glossy with emotions. "Hey handsome! I guess a knife to my neck is one way to say hello." I said as I soaked up the sight of him not wanting to ever look away from him in fear he might disappear as if this were a dream. He got up quicky helping me to my feet before ingulfing me into a hug. "I missed you so much." He said barely audible as his head berried in my neck. "I missed you too. I missed you too." I said as I felt like the missing peace of my heart had returned and made it complete again. He moved back from the hug letting his hands rest of my sides as he took in the sight of me and I doing the same thing arms resting on his shoulders. Reaching a hand and caressing the side of his face as my thumb brushing his cheek before pulling away running it to the center of his chest feeling his heart meat so rapidly matching the beat of mine. His left hand reaching up to my face doing the same thing I had done to him. His eyes darting to my lips the to my eyes making my cheeks turn a dark shade of pink. A smirk spread across his face as he moved me closer to him in one swoop, are lips in a hear seconds were connected shocked at first tell I melted into his touch as I kissed him back. So much passion and love poured into the kiss it was almost suffocating in the beat possible way I could have imagined. Pulling apart was nearly impossible it seemed as we connected are foreheads with heavy breaths exchange between both of us. "I've been thinking about that since I left every moment of the day, thinking of you every second of every day knowing that not being around you was my own form of hell that I never want to return to." He takes a deep breath he leans into a kiss again this one more slow and passionate and not as desperate taking his time as if he was memorizing every inch of my lips.

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