Part 4

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Karin's POV

Sasuke brought up all my stuff to my dorm and then left. I got back situated and went to sleep. It was exam week and I needed to study.

Sasuke's POV

As I packed a week's worth of stuff Naruto burst into my room. "So where exactly are you going since you're letting me have the dorm?", He asked. "Sakura's.", I lied. I was really gonna stay with Karin even though I didn't ask I decided I'll surprise her. "Not Karin?", He asked. "Nope.", I said. "Okay. Glad to see you're getting back out there even though it's with Sakura.", He said. "Yeah.", I said.

I knocked on Karin's door and waited for her to open it. Karin answered the door in her underwear with a hoodie on. I gently shoved her inside and closed the door. "No hello? What are you even doing here?", She asked. "Why'd you answer the door dressed like that?", I asked. "I live here.", She said. "Okay but what if it was a random dude?", I asked. "It was highly unlikely.", she said. "Don't answer the door like that again.", I said. "Okay damn. So protective. Should I put pants on then?", She asked. "No point I'mma take them off you.", I said. "That's why you're here?", she asked. "No. I came because it's exam week and I thought we could study together and we have the dorm to ourselves because Hinata is staying with Naruto.", I said. "You just assumed I'd let you stay?", she asked. "Are you turning me away?", I asked. "No. It's cute you wanna help.", She said smiling.

We're in her room studying flashcards and she was honestly ready to throw me out the window. "Are you dumb?", she asked. "Definitely not I've just been distracted.", I said. "By what?", she asked. "You coming back.", I said deciding to be honest. "Oh. Sorry.", She said. "You know I didn't mean it like that.", I said. "How do you mean it?", she asked. "When I got to finally see you again I couldn't see you till winter break. The thought of seeing you distracted me.", I said. "Seeing me or fucking me?", She asked. "Karin.", I said. "Sasuke.", she said. "Seeing you. That's all I've wanted.", I said and she smiled. She doesn't even know how far back that want dates.

The whole week I was with Karin we didn't even have sex. We just talked for hours and studied. I don't think I'll ever get used to her asleep in my arms and then especially waking up to her still in them. I have to leave tomorrow and I don't want to. I look at her as she laid on my chest and she was still awake. "Can't sleep?", I asked. "It'll be awhile before we can do this again huh?", she asked. "I'll sneak in here every night just say the word.", I said and she laughed. "No.", she said. "That doesn't mean find somebody else to do this with.", I said. "Oh like Suigetsu?", She asked and I moved her off me. "I was just kidding.", She said. "But if I said Sakura you'd kick me out.", I said.

          "I don't care what you do. Long as you're not out fucking hoes raw and then trying to do the same to me.", she said and I got up. "I have to stop hinting at things with you. Clearly you're still a fucking idiot.", I snapped. "Who's the idiot? I don't know why at your big age you're dropping hints anyways, only thing that needs to drop is your balls.", she said snapped back. "Fuck you Karin.", I said. "No fuck you.", She said and I slammed her door. I stood there for a little before I finally left her dorm.

                             Karin's POV

         "I'm so excited!", Hinata said excitedly. "You're the only one.", I said. "You're finally gonna make more friends.", She said. "I never had interest in that.", I said. "There's more good people here besides me. More dick than Sasuke. She said and I side eyed her. "Bringing him up for?", I asked. "Oh no reason. It's just he's obviously gonna be there so.", she said. "That's fine.", I said shrugging. Whole time we haven't talked since our fight two weeks ago. I wish everything between us could be simple.

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