Chapter 1: Arrival

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Aishwarya gazed out the aeroplane window as green hills and blue waters came into view. She was landing in Sydney, Australia—a place that would now be her home for a few years.

It had been three months since she'd fled Kolkata and her old life there, after her fiancé Vikram cancelled their engagement and a long-term relationship, saying he was in love with another woman. The betrayal had shattered her, devastating a heart so full of love and trust. But staying in the city filled with memories was no longer an option. She needed to heal somewhere new.

Her uncle had long urged her to visit his family in Australia. It seemed as good a time as any to take him up on his offer. Now, as the plane touched down on the runway, Aishwarya felt a swell of both hope and apprehension. The rolling emerald hills and sparkling ocean below were undeniably beautiful. Could she find peace and purpose in this foreign land, so far from all she had ever known?

Time will tell. For now, she was thankful to her caring uncle and his family for welcoming her in her time of need. The days spent travelling here will give her wounds time to scab over, at least on the surface. But beneath her calm, outward demeanour lay a heart still raw and stinging. Aishwarya knew the journey to heal it fully had only just begun. She exited the plane feeling weary but hopeful. Scanning the crowd by the gate, she soon spotted a familiar face beaming back at her.

"Aishu!" called her Uncle Raj, waving enthusiastically. Beside him stood Aunt Priya, her kind eyes crinkling in a welcoming smile.

Weaving through the travellers, Aishwarya hurried into their outstretched arms. Their embraces enveloped her in comforting warmth despite being so far from home.

"We're so glad you're here, Beti," cooed Aunt Priya, kissing her cheek. "Australia will be good for you, you'll see."

Uncle Raj grinned, patting her shoulder. "Yes, Beti, for sure,you will enjoy your time here. Now, let's get moving. Your cousins are eagerly waiting for your arrival."

His upbeat confidence helped lighten Aishwarya's spirit. Seeing her relatives' familiar, loving faces amid the foreign crowds grounded her. Though an ocean separated her from India, their presence made this new land feel closer to home.

As they made their way to the car, Aishwarya allowed their cheerful chatter and promise of delicious home cooking to slowly ease away the lingering tension in her shoulders. For the first time in months, she felt hopeful that here she could begin to heal. As their car wound through bright suburban streets, Aishwarya gazed out the window in quiet wonder. Palms swayed lazily alongside neatly trimmed lawns, a stark contrast to Mumbai’s teeming alleys and monsoon rains.

The neighbourhood exuded warmth and safety, dotted with families enjoying the late afternoon sunlight. Children’s laughter and the songs of exotic birds drifted on the breeze as Aishwarya took it all in, feeling her sorrow lift almost against her will.

"It's beautiful here," she said softly.

Aunt Priya beamed. "Just wait till you see the beach! Sydney has been very good to us, Beti. I know its rays will lift your spirit too in time."

Raj Uncle, too, nodded his head in approval.

Aishwarya offered a small smile, hoping they were right. Though sadness still lingered in her scarred heart, seeing the golden streets flutter by filled her with a strange sense of ease. Perhaps in this sunny new place, surrounded by her family's love, she could finally start to heal—and to become who she wished to be once more.


That evening, after unpacking in the cosy room shared with her cousin Tina, Aishwarya video called her parents. Seeing their faces filled her with bittersweet longing for home.

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