C6: Kwit and Stone

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"My name.." The Hollow paused.

"Is Kwit. I come far from here, in the underground tunnels in which my people reside."

Kwit continues, "There are many stories about the Hollows. Like how humans weren't made in the image of God, but the Ohen and Hollows were."

"We were nicknamed 'The Perfect Creature' by powerful bounty hunters and swordsmen due to our rock or stone-like skin that made us hard to cut, and our ability to lack sleep for months."

Kaida is stunned at Kwit's level headedness, and knowledge of the tales.
"So.. you're saying your name is Kwi-" A loud gust of wind interrupts her.


Kwit chuckles. "You're not leaving here alive." Then, in a blink of an eye, Kwit punched the Clowd into the ground, followed by Kaida slicing it up with Amaiya.

"Hollows are known for allot of things; however, we're known most by our ability to weaken enemies on touch."

The Clowd slowly dies, weakened by Kwit's touch and Kaida's slice.

Kaida dashes back, impressed with Kwit's powers. "You're pretty strong for a demon."

"Yes, possibly, but now that the annoying Clowd is gone, I can finally ask if you want to join me... Let me explain."

Kwit walks closer to Kaida. "I want to unite both Hollows and humans. Your village council has not only oppressed certain swordsmen but also our people." Kwit pauses, waiting for Kaida's response.

"I... didn't expect that coming from an Ohen." Kaida hesitates. "But I have always believed in equality and justice, and if you can truly bring about the unity you speak of, then I am willing to listen."

Kwit raises his head in amusement and responds, "Perfect, if you want to repay me for saving your life and believe in my cause, meet me at the village square tonight. I'll have to go now."

"But wait! I'm not done talking to yo-" Kaida gets cut off.

"Someone's coming, and I'm sure that it's another human coming to kill me, so I'll have to go. See ya Kaida"

Kwit then runs back into the hole in the wall he came from, leaving Kaida standing there alone.

Kaida feels a mixture of anger and loneliness, mostly at the fact that she was saved by the enemy. But soon enough, she hears footsteps running in her direction, followed by a peachy voice calling out her name.


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