C4: Close Call

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Kaida goes right back into the dungeon, not realizing that the Daruma blood had attracted uncountable amounts of Ohen to the area.

"Shit shit." Kaida uttered.

She slashed through Darumas and swiftly cut through Sticky-sans. What she didn't realize was that there was a huge Clowd behind her, an more intelligent form of Ohen.

Hearing it's deep breath, she turned around quickly. But it was already too late. The fierce Clowd blew toxic gas into her face, pushing her backwards.

"No, not now...Where's the nigiri?!"

Then it came back to her...

"Alright, join me for some tea and nigiri when you're ready, hon!"Kaida spills her tea, storming out of the room.

Hidden Monologue: Kaida forgot her nigiri, still storming out of the room. "No...the nigiri wasn't done yet. How could I let this happen...!"

Bringing nigiri to a dungeon was a no-brainer, It was the only thing that gave humans like her protection against toxic gases and the like. Kaida teared up at the thought of her fate being out of anger.

The Clowd snickered.
"Mehehe. Never thought I'd be the one to take out the best swordswoman ever! And especially knowing your death was out of anger...Mehehe!!"

Kaida takes heavy breaths, "I won't die like this." she mutters "I can't die like this..."

"Actually, stop talking. I'll make you agonize as you sit here and patiently wait for my pals to arrive! I just have to show them what a cute and exceptional girl you were. Mehehehe!"

Kaida's vision started fading to black.. and her breathing slowed.

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