C3: Sweet Stickies

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Kaida steps into the dungeon, unsheathing her sword, and running full speed towards about 7 Darumas, impaling multiple of them until she made a "daruma kebab" as her sister would call it.

She shakes them off, getting blood and guts on the floor. While exploring the dungeon, Kaida meets a new monster. A less hostile looking one, at that.

She steps closer. *gasp* *CHOMP!* She was bit... No reaction escaped from her though.

As her mission was to impale the goddamn- "Huh? It's a...Candy...sticky?" No one had ever seen anything like it!

Stickies are a type of Ohen. The only sticky-sans around were Rock Stickies, Grass Stickies, and Swamp Stickies.(from what the author knows of)

She swiftly slashes the Candy Sticky "I guess I'll show the council what I've found." She muttered as she shoved the sweet sticky material, as well as the Sticky-san's tooth in her bag.

Kaida steps up to the temple door and knocks. "Announce yourself." Kipi, the temple co-owner demands.

"Kaida Tsukino" she says.

"Ah, it's the youngin. Let her in please." The temple owner says enthusiastically.

Kaida nods "Thank you."

A high pitched voice is heard from the roof of the temple "Look who it is! My favorite person ever!!"

"Sarai, do not. I will slice you in half"

"Try it! I'll just put myself back together. Now, give me a hug!!" Sarai-chan begs

Kaida reluctantly hugs Sarai-chan. "I came here to show the council a new Ohen. I've found a Candy Sticky."

"Wow, YUM!! Can I eat it please, Kipi?" Sarai-chan begs

The entire room turns to look at Kipichi-sama "No, Sai. You cannot eat the sticky material! It could kill you."

"Baka. I'm a ghost, remember?!" Sai says unhappily. The entire room turns to look at Sai.

"You can't eat it anyway, baka." Kaida mocked.

Kaida places the tooth and the sticky material on Sai's desk and leaves as fast as possible.

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