C1: At First Glance

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Nobody ever approached her. She was a fierce fighter. Tsukino Kaida. That was her. The perfect swordswoman!

Such a beautiful sword she had. Amaiya was her name. The sword, of course. She never left Amaiya at home.


"What in hell's name is at the door!?" She took a deep breath and opened the door.
To her surprise, it was a goblin. But a tiny one?

The little man looked about 3 years old...Baby goblins aren't harmful unless you harm them, so she put Amaiya down and let the little guy in.

"What brings you here?" Kaida-san said emotionlessly. The goblin giggled. "Eh? What do you need?" Kaida raised her voice. The room went silent and all that was heard was a few beeps before she got up, grabbed Amaiya, and sliced the baby goblin clean in half, powering off the ticking time bomb inside of him.

Something Kaida always had to worry about. Assassins. They were always after her for her skill. It was between everyone trying to kill her or trying to recruit her in their little "kill squad" as her little sister would call it.

Goblins don't develop their vocal cords until they're at least 5 years old, so the little guy had a bomb shoved inside of him, and he wasn't laughing, he was trying to cough it up!

"Terrible goblins, I tell you!" She said to herself, followed by her mother thinking she was talking to her.

"Come again, Kai?" said her mother

"Ah, nothing. I was talking to myself, ma."

her mother raises a eyebrow "Alright, join me for some tea and nigiri when you're ready, hon!"

"I will." Kaida mumbled 

"Are you alright honey?"

"Yup." she mumbled again

"You're not acting like yourself-"

"We'll talk over tea, mom!" Kaida interrupted.

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