Chapter 4: Monster Zero

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A monarch vehicle is shown as the pilot says "outpost 32 this is raptor five on approach with reinforcements and supplies requesting permission to land Serizawa has all sites on high alert so transmitting emergency codes now" "copy that raptor five codes are good nice to have you back" the vehicle then lands in antarctica as Jonah said "go" then the instinct chatter was over heard "its good to see ya" "need a hand with offload?" "No were good!" "Were gonna put it over at bay five follow me" "go back up! Hey hey! Leave them lets go!" after that gunfire was heard as Madison said "I'm scared" and then Emma said "I know me to" then Jonah went up to them and said "okay...lets go" they both got up and headed out of the vehicle as Emma said "eyes straight ahead.....deep breaths...just like we talked about" they entered a elevator that headed up and then it opened and a soldier said "mother of god" then Jonah said "she had nothing to do with this" Jonah said as they looked into the ice and saw what looked like a dragon with 3 heads then Madison said "monster zero" they started walking down a hallway and entered a room right next to the kaiju as Emma touched the ice as people talked in the background "any survivors?" "Now, they tried to launch an emergency beacon, but we cut them off in time" "they'll figure it out. Fire up the drills" Jonah then looked at Emma and asked, "do you have everything you need?" Emma nodded as Jonah then said "good. Let's get started" Madison reached out to the ice and touched it as Emma started scanning the bioacoustics of the titan.

Scene switch

"We have a grizzly situation up here in the attic" "cmon Andrew Andrew" Andrew on the video said, "I've come to eat your horses!" "No, you can't eat my horses that's not. Stop look an intruder! Get her! Get her!" "No don't get me!" "Andrew Madison get her!" "Get her!" "Bear kisses!! Bear kisses!!" a rumbling sound was then heard as an emergency was sounded "all personnel report to battle stations! Code red! All personnel report to battle stations! Code red!" "At least sixty knots!" "This is not a drill! All personnel report to battle stations! Code red!" an alarm blared as everyone was panicking as mark walked up to Chen and asked, "what's happening?" "Somethings wrong! He's never been this close before!" "who's he?" "Who do you think?" "he's taking out our observation drones!" "Trajectory?" "Straight at us twelve hundred meters and closing!" "G-team Barnes Martinez Hendricks! I want you on those crows now!" "You heard boss lady lets move!" 3 people went into a control center and readied weapons "Doctor Stanton, do you have his bioacoustics?" "Acoustics coming up!" "Okay he's closing were at 800 meters!" "Its movements are erratic! Heart and breathing elevated!" "Yeah, he's definitely not happy about something" "how are they getting all of this?" "Emma isolated Godzilla's bioacoustics. It allows us to track him even to get his vitals" a loud rumbling shook the whole place! "Circling now closing in 200 meters!" "Colonel!" "All teams in position weapons hot! Ready to engage on my command!" "Come on come on come on" "hold your fire. We don't know he'll attack" "he will if you keep those guns on him now I want him dead more than anybody but unless this is a fight that you know you can win for god sake stand down" just then Godzilla rammed into the station everyone had to hold on until it stopped, just then Serizawa said "stand down" "you cant be serious!" "I am. Stand down" ".........stand down I say again safe your weapons do not engage" just then Godzilla's heart started beating steadily. "Listen...his heart rate its slowing" just then mark said "open the shields" everyone gave him a look until rick said, "oh yeah sure let's bring him in for a beer you out of your goddamn mind!" "Let him know we're not a threat open the shields" then Serizawa looked towards rick and said, "do it" then rick opened them they all saw a blue light and then...Godzilla's glowing dorsal plates "hey what's with the light show?" "its an intimidation display like a gorilla pounding his chest" "consider us very...intimidated" "I don't think its for us" mark walked up to the glass as rick said "what are you doing dude" Godzilla gave mark a look until his eyes turned and he disappeared they all sighed in relief "well that was interesting" just then Godzilla swam at high speeds and came very close to them causing the whole place to shake as everyone screamed in terror as Godzilla left and headed towards antarctica and then rick said "can we maybe close the shield now?" but then mark said "show me his territorial routes" "what why?" "Because I wanna start a boat tour just show me" "okay coming up" "care to tell us what you're looking for?" "When an animal leaves its hunting ground its usually because it's threatened by something" "run a course projection!" "We gotta go after him he's looking for something out there it could be the ORCA" "Doctor Stanton what's your projection?" "All paths have him landing in the same place. Antarctica" "good then. I mean let's go let's go find them lets.... wait...what's in antarctica?" "Barnes contact the Argo" "yes ma'am."

Y/n pov

I was just swimming around when Godzilla came up to me and said "Y/n I need your help" I turned to him in confusion and asked, "what is it?" "No time to explain just cmon!" "Ok ok!" we started swimming in the direction of antarctica as I used my sonar and saw humans above us "Why are there humans?" "I'll explain later just follow me!" he said as we went into a little worm hole that sent us at very high speeds so fast I didn't know how fast we were going, it took a little while so we had a little chat until suddenly we were right in front of antarctica as Godzilla said "I have an idea follow me" I nodded and we went into the antarctica ice, once we were in the area Godzilla wanted he started digging up, as did I "Godzilla why are we coming up here?" "it's faster" "ok" but then we both heard a screech as Godzilla growled I was confused but we kept going and going until Godzilla made a bellow as his dorsals started glowing, just then he breached the surface with me soon following him, once we were both out I saw what he was talking about.......I growled. As did Godzilla...this was no ordinary foe.....this was Ghidorah.....Ghidorah used his wings to look bigger than us but we weren't fazed as we both roared at Ghidorah and he roared back, we both charged at Ghidorah once we collided I used my missile launchers on Ghidorah while Godzilla grabbed a head and shoved it down, once I was in range I pulled out my blade and stabbed Ghidorah in the stomach causing him to screech in pain, I took out the blade and activated my 4 blasters and fired on Ghidorah causing him to be pushed back, he charged at us but I used a force field to block it, I deactivated the force field and punched Ghidorah and I was about to kick him when a head bit onto my neck causing me to yelp in pain as I struggled to get him off Godzilla bit onto that head and pulled it off of my neck, he then grabbed it and clawed it in the face as all 3 heads latched onto Godzilla causing him to step back, I got up and growled as I tackled Ghidorah to the ground though he kicked me off, I rolled for a while before I got back up and saw Ghidorah nock Godzilla down. I rushed to his aid and kicked Ghidorah away, he roared at me as I roared back at him. Godzilla got up also roaring as I rushed at Ghidorah but he dodged one of my attacks and pushed me down, Godzilla went to grab him but Ghidorah used one of his beams to stun Godzilla, I got up and saw Godzilla charge up his atomic breath and beamed Ghidorah but Ghidorah dodged it and used his beams on Godzilla nocking him down and into the pit. I got up with my beam already charged and blasted Ghidorah who didn't suspect a thing, this caused him to get hit by the beam and fall down with blood pouring out of his wound I inflicted, I quickly went to the pit and got Godzilla out of there just then Ghidorah used his beams on me, I started to lose my balance and almost fell in the pit when the beams suddenly stopped, I look behind me and see Ghidorah being attacked. I take this opportunity to get Godzilla out of the pit, I pull him out as we both roar at Ghidorah. We charge at him, but he flies off, we roar into the sky. After we were done me and him went to the hole, we made in antarctica as Godzilla leaves. I looked back and see the destruction this caused, I then went into the hole and into the ocean and followed Godzilla who was following Ghidorah.

Reincarnated as a Half Mechagodzilla half Godzilla Hybrid: 2019Where stories live. Discover now